How do you add catfish to Thunar?

How do you add catfish to Thunar?

You need to go to the tab “Appearance Conditions” (next to the “Basic” tab) and put a tick in the boxes for the file types you want. Then catfish works. And yes, it’s fast!

How do I search for files in Thunar?

Thunar (File Manager for Xubuntu) 2. In Thunar, choose ‘Edit’/’Configure Custom Actions’ and add a new custom action with the name ‘Search for Files’ and the command ‘gnome-search-tool –path=%f’. Under the ‘Appearance Conditions’ tab, tick ‘Directories’ – this is important.

What is a catfish file search?

Brief: Catfish is a nifty file searching GUI tool for Linux desktop. The interface is lightweight and simple and the tool allows to refine your search with criteria like time, file type etc. The Linux purists use commands like locate, find and grep to search for files in the terminal.

How do I search in Thunar file manager?

You right click on a folder, and you’re presented with the option to search for files in it.

  1. My context menu with Search for files.
  2. Edit → Configure custom actions.
  3. Choose whether to add or edit a custom action.
  4. The Edit Action dialog.

How do I customize Thunar file manager?

To do this open Thunar and click Edit > Configure Custom Actions….Creating a Custom Action

  1. Name: Edit with sudo.
  2. Description: Edit a text file with administrative privileges.
  3. Command: gksu gedit %f.
  4. Icon: Click the Icon button and then select an icon to represent the action.

How do I configure Thunar?


  1. Launch Thunar and go to Edit > Preferences.
  2. Under the ‘Advanced’ tab, check ‘Enable Volume Management’
  3. Click configure and check the following items: Mount removable drives when hot-plugged. Mount removable media when inserted.
  4. Also make desired changes (see the example below)

How do I search for a file in Ubuntu?

Search for files

  1. Open the Files application from the Activities overview.
  2. If you know the files you want are under a particular folder, go to that folder.
  3. Type a word or words that you know appear in the file name, and they will be shown in the search bar.

What is catfish in Linux Mint?

Catfish is a handy file searching tool for Linux and UNIX. The interface is intentionally lightweight and simple, using only Gtk+3. You can configure it to your needs by using several command line options.

How do you customize Thunar?

To do this open Thunar and click Edit > Configure Custom Actions. With the Custom Actions window open, click the “+” button to create a new custom action (see Figure 1.) With the Create Action window open the following information must be entered, in the Basic tab, for this particular action: Name: Edit with sudo.

Is Thunar better than Nautilus?

Nautilus: Two Lightweight File Managers For Linux. Is Thunar a better file manager than Gnome’s default, Nautilus? Nautilus, the default file manager in Gnome, is extremely popular among Linux users.

How install Thunar Arch Linux?

Install XFCE on Arch Linux

  1. Update packages on Arch Linux. Open a terminal and run the following command to update the packages. $ sudo pacman –Syu.
  2. Now install xfce4 using pacman package manager. Xfce4-goodies group contains additional tools like mousepad editor. $ sudo pacman -S xfce4 xfce4-goodies.
  3. Restart the system.

How do I create a search with catfish action in Thunar?

Now close the Custom Actions dialog, select a folder in Thunar and open the context menu (right-click on the file icon). The newly created Search with Catfish action will appear in the context menu, as shown in the screenshot below.

What is Catfish file search tool in Linux?

Brief: Catfish is a nifty file searching GUI tool for Linux desktop. The interface is lightweight and simple and the tool allows to refine your search with criteria like time, file type etc. The Linux purists use commands like locate, find and grep to search for files in the terminal.

What is catfish and how to install it?

Catfish is developed by Christian Dywan, the same person who develops the lightweight Midori web browser. Catfish is now a Xfce project and it is providing the search feature to Xfce’s Thunar file manager. Let’s see how to install Catfish on your Linux distributions.

How do I add custom actions to the Thunar context menus?

Thunar allows users to add custom actions to the file and folder context menus (by the use of the thunar-uca plugin, part of the Thunar distribution, in the plugins/ subdirectory). You can set up new actions in the Custom Actions dialog, available via the Configure custom actions… item in the Edit menu.


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