How do you apologize for poor Japanese?

How do you apologize for poor Japanese?

[すみません、日本語がちょうど下手ですが。] Pronounced as: su mi ma se n, ni ho n go ga chiyo u do he ta de su ga. This sentence means: Sorry, my Japanese is just kind of poor. [下手] (he ta) means : a skill is poor, low or bad, can be used to describ language skill or other skills.

How do you say please excuse my mistakes in Japanese?

Therefore, the correct way to say this would be: 私の日本語が下手で、すみません。 Watashi no nihongo ga heta de, sumimasen. My Japanese is poor, excuse me.

How would you describe something bad in Japanese?

Japanese Words Related to Bad Things

English Romaji Japanese
inconvenient fuben 不便
disgusting iya na 嫌な
terrible saiaku na 最悪な
the worst saitei na 最低な

Does warui mean sorry in Japanese?

“Warui warui” 悪い悪い or “my bad” is also a very casual way to say sorry. “Sumimasen” すみません, which can be translated as “excuse me”, also works as an apology depending on how it is used.

What is warui?

(adj-i) (1) bad; poor; inferior.

What is the meaning of Yamete Kudasai?

Can you please stop it
– “Yamete kudasai.” = Can you please stop it? ・A more polite phrase.

What is the meaning of Daijoubu desu?

i’m fine
daijoubu desu = i’m fine, i’m alright, it’s ok.. (

What is Yabai desu ne?

In positive contexts, which “yabai desu ne” most certainly is used in, it’ll become something like “pretty sweet”, “that’s crazy”, “that’s sick”…

How do you reply to Gomenasai?

だいじょうぶ [大丈夫] (da-i-jo-u-bu) would be a good respond to the little boy’s “gomennasai”. it roughly translates to “it’s ok.” or “i’m ok.”

What is hayai?

Learn Japanese vocabulary: 速い 【はやい】(hayai) Meaning: fast; quick; hasty; brisk.


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