How do you calculate column capacity in chromatography?

How do you calculate column capacity in chromatography?

Determine the loading capacity by dividing the mass of the sample (in grams) by the mass of the media bed in the column (also in grams). This ratio is the loading expressed as a percentage. Once you determine the loading capacity (in grams or milligrams), cut it by 10% and repeat the test.

How do you calculate the volume of a column in HPLC?


  1. Use Volume = pi x radius2 x Length.
  2. pi = 3.14.
  3. r2 and Length should be converted to centimeters.
  4. Diameter of column divided by 2 = radius.
  5. radius x radius = r2
  6. 3.14 x r2 x L = Volume in cm3
  7. cm3 = 1 mL.

What is the volume in mL of an HPLC column that is 150 mm long and has a 4 mm internal diameter?

4.6 mm i.d. Columns now 1% of 150 = 1.5 mL.

How do you calculate the volume of a column?

The volume of concrete for circular column = Surface Area of Circle x height of the column.

What is a good capacity factor in HPLC?

Capacity factor defines interaction with the sorbent or retention in chromatography. The earliest eluting peak of interest should have a k’ of 1 or better. The ideal is 2 or better.

What is total column volume?

The (total) column volume is equal to the latest possible retention time (except for stuff that will stick on top because of precipitation etc).

What is the bed volume of a column?

In column chromatography, the total volume of material, both solid and liquid, in the column; i.e. the volume of the support particles plus the void volume. It is synonymous with column volume for a packed column.

What size threads are on the end fitting of my HPLC column?

Most fittings on your HPLC and UHPLC systems and columns have 10-32 threads.

How much cement is required for column?

We need 6.28 cubic yards (4.8 m3) of cement, and our producer sells cement in bags weighing 60 lb (25 kg) with a density of 150 lb/cu ft (2400 kg/m3). The total weight of concrete that we need is 942.53 lb (427.52 kg). We assume a 5% loss in wastage and spillage. So, there you go, we need 17 bags of cement.

How many types of HPLC columns?

High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is aslo known as liquid chromatography. HPLC uses a liquid moblie phase. The same basic principals from gas chromatography are applied to liquid chromatography . There are three basic types of liquid chromatographic columns: liquid-liquid, liquid-solid, and ion-exchange.

How to calculate column volume?

Use Volume = pi x radius 2 x Length.

  • pi = 3.14.
  • r 2 and Length should be converted to centimeters.
  • Diameter of column divided by 2 = radius.
  • radius x radius = r 2.
  • 3.14 x r 2 x L = Volume in cm 3.
  • cm 3 = 1 mL.
  • What is HPLC column volume?

    The HPLC column void volume denoted V m o r V0 is in simple terms the volume of the mobile phase in the column. It is the part of a fraction that when added to the volume of the stationary phase makes up a whole fraction or 100% volume.

    How do I determine column void volume?

    To determine the column void volume alone you would need to subtract the system void volume determined without the column attached. Alternatively, the void volume can also be estimated by taking ½ of the column volume, for an HPLC/UHPLC system with minimal void volume.


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