How do you calculate DRG reimbursement?

How do you calculate DRG reimbursement?

The MS-DRG payment for a Medicare patient is determined by multiplying the relative weight for the MS-DRG by the hospital’s blended rate: MS-DRG PAYMENT = RELATIVE WEIGHT × HOSPITAL RATE.

How is DRG determined?

DRGs are defined based on the principal diagnosis, secondary diagnoses, surgical procedures, age, sex and discharge status of the patients treated. Through DRGs, hospitals can gain an understanding of the patients being treated, the costs incurred and within reasonable limits, the services expected to be required.

How has DRG changed hospital reimbursement?

The introduction of DRGs shifted payment from a “cost plus profit” structure to a fixed case rate structure. Under a case rate reimbursement, the hospital is not paid more for a patient with a longer length of stay, or with days in higher intensity units, or receiving more services.

What is DRG reimbursement?

Diagnosis-related group reimbursement (DRG) is a reimbursement system for inpatient charges from facilities. This system assigns payment levels to each DRG based on the average cost of treating all TRICARE beneficiaries in a given DRG. A grouper program classifies each case into the appropriate DRG.

Does Tricare pay on DRG?

The TRICARE DRG-based payment system applies only to hospitals. Under the TRICARE DRG-based payment system, payment for the operating costs of inpatient hospital services furnished by hospitals subject to the system is made on the basis of prospectively determined rates and applied on a per discharge basis using DRGs.

What is a DRG payment system?

A diagnosis-related group (DRG) is a patient classification system that standardizes prospective payment to hospitals and encourages cost containment initiatives. In general, a DRG payment covers all charges associated with an inpatient stay from the time of admission to discharge.

What is DRG reimbursement hospital?

What are the pros and cons of the DRG system?

The advantages of the DRG payment system are reflected in the increased efficiency and transparency and reduced average length of stay. The disadvantage of DRG is creating financial incentives toward earlier hospital discharges. Occasionally, such polices are not in full accordance with the clinical benefit priorities.


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