How do you calculate inductance on a boost converter?

How do you calculate inductance on a boost converter?


  1. Find the output power, P out.
  2. Find the FET volt drop, V fet volt drop.
  3. Find the minimum duty ratio, D min.
  4. Find the minimum load resistance, R min (for maximum load condition)
  5. Find the maximum inductance, L max.
  6. L max = 0.74 uHy.
  7. Assuming the efficiency is 93%, I pk = 15.7 Amps.
  8. Related Stories.

What is the formula for output voltage boost converter?

What is the formula for output voltage for Boost converter? Explanation: The output voltage of the boost converter is Vo = Vin ÷ (1-D). The value of the duty cycle is less than one which makes the Vo > Vin. The boost converter is used to step up the voltage.

What does an inductor do in a boost converter?

The key principle that drives the boost converter is the tendency of an inductor to resist changes in current by either increasing or decreasing the energy stored in the inductor magnetic field. In a boost converter, the output voltage is always higher than the input voltage.

What is switch current in boost converter?

An ideal boost converter has 100% efficiency, so power out = power in. The switch has to handle the input current, so for (example) a 10V 1A output from a 5V input means the output power is 10W, the input power is 10W, so the input current is 2A average (plus half the inductor ripple current peak).

What is the duty cycle of a boost converter?

The duty cycle of a switching regulator depends on the respective switching regulator topology. A step-down (buck) converter, as shown in Figure 1, has a duty cycle D according to D = output voltage/input voltage. For a step-up (boost) converter, the duty cycle D = 1 – (input voltage/output voltage).

Why capacitor and inductor are used in buck converter?

The inductor and capacitor are used to control, store and transfer energy from the input to output depending on the state of the switch, either on or off. For the Buck converter to operate to a specific set of output parameters the inductor and capacitor must be sized correctly.

What is duty cycle of boost converter?

The duty cycle is the ratio of the turn-on time (TON) to the complete cycle length, the turn-off time (TOFF) plus on time, and defines a simple relationship between the input voltage and an output voltage. For a step-up (boost) converter, the duty cycle D = 1 – (input voltage/output voltage). Figure 1.

What is the efficiency of boost converter?

Consuming only microwatts of power, this 5V-to-15V boost converter provides low load currents with high efficiency. The efficiency is > 90% for load currents between 1mA and 8mA.


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