How do you counter Evelynn?

How do you counter Evelynn?

Laning Against Evelynn Place Control Wards in the river and go for deeper wards rather than relying on shallow ones. This will help you spot her before she gets the chance to become invisible. Placing wards on her camps are a good way to counter her. Evelynn wants to assassinate targets that are alone.

What Jungler is good against Evelynn?

Evelynn wins more against

Name Winrate
Diana Jungler +4.7%
Gragas Jungler +4.3%
Zed Jungler
Warwick Jungler

Does VI counter Evelynn?

Vi does a great job of countering Evelynn. Normally, she wins a terrific 54.8% of games the champions battle each other in. This indicates that she most likely will get first blood against Evelynn.

Does KAYN counter Evelynn?

Kayn does a ok job of beating Evelynn. Typically, he wins a acceptable 50.8% of games the champs face off with one another in. In Kayn versus Evelynn matches, Kayn’s team is 0.0% more probable to earn first blood, indicating that he most likely will be able to get first blood versus Evelynn.

Is Evelynn good lol s11?

Evelynn 11.23 Evelynn Build 11.23 ranks as an A-Tier pick for the Jungle role in Season 11. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 50.94% (Average), Pick Rate of 5.52% (High), and a Ban Rate of 2.66% (High).

Is Evelynn a good Jungler?

Evelynn. Evelynn has a strong start in the jungle through her heavy ability damage, but it’s her ganking potential when you gain Camouflage at level six that truly makes her one of the top picks. Therefore, you’ll want to spend most of the early game just clearing camps and farming experience as fast as possible.

What is Evelynn good against?

Evelynn Counter Pick The strongest counter would be Rammus, a easy to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 53.2% (Good) and Play Rate of 2.52% (High). League of Legends most often picked champions vs Evelynn, this is often heavily influenced by champion popularity.

Is Evelynn a good character?

Is Evelynn Good Right Now? Ranking as the #34 Best Pick In the Jungle role for patch 11.24, placing it within our A-Tier Rank. A good pick for ranking up in solo queue, concerning difficulty, this is a moderately diffcult to play champion for new players in league of legends.

What Lane can Evelyn play?

You can play her Top/Mid, but there will always be better options. Her damage output is not that great on AP anymore. As a toplaner, she will always be beaten by other common toplaner like Riven, Renekton or Jax. In a specific teamcomp you can play her mid, shove the lane and roam.

Is Evelynn AP or AD?

Depending on Jungler Item you’ll decide to take in early game, will be more convenient going for an AP, AD, Hybrid or Tank Build. Honestly i prefer the Jungler AD Item, Warrior – Skirmisher’s Sabre, this Item gives a nice boost to your Attack Damage, and Evelyn has a better AD than AP relations on her abilities.

Is Evelynn good right now?

Is Evelynn Good Right Now? Ranking as the #34 Best Pick In the Jungle role for patch 11.23, placing it within our A-Tier Rank. A good pick for ranking up in solo queue, concerning difficulty, this is a moderately diffcult to play champion for new players in league of legends.

How strong is Evelynn?

Evelynn 11.23 This champion currently has a Win Rate of 50.94% (Average), Pick Rate of 5.52% (High), and a Ban Rate of 2.66% (High). Using Domination Runes and a burst damage item build, combine with the Assassin playstyle, this is a moderately difficult to play champion in league of legends.

Placing wards on her camps are a good way to counter her. Evelynn wants to assassinate targets that are alone. Group as a team to make it harder for her to execute and kill squishy champions.

How to play against Evelynn?

Evelynn counter picking options and strategies. The most important thing to consider when laning against Evelynn is to place Control Wards in the river and go for deeper wards rather than relying on shallow ones. This helps you spot her before she gets the chance to become invisible.

How do you deal with Evelynn Drake?

Respect her ganks post level 6 and make sure you track her with good vision throughout her jungle. If the enemy bot lane goes missing, they might be helping Evelynn take the Drake. She cannot take it alone early, so try to take it away yourself if you’re able to. If not, gank bot lane and take it with them.


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