How do you counter Maokai?

How do you counter Maokai?

Maokai Counter Pick The strongest counter would be Swain, a moderately diffcult to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 51.98% (Good) and Play Rate of 3.34% (High).

Who counters Maokai Supp?

The most commonly encountered champions Maokai counters against hardest support versus support is Pantheon, Swain & Pyke. While Maokai is countered hardest in commonly encountered matchups by Taric, Soraka & Sona.

Does ZYRA counter Pyke?

Zyra is forced to battle against Pyke in only 4.4% of her rounds. Zyra does a good job of countering Pyke. On average, she wins a fantastic 52.5% of the time the champions clash against one another in.

Does ZYRA counter Nautilus?

Zyra is forced to battle against Nautilus in only 4.0% of her games. Zyra does a good job of beating Nautilus. Typically, she wins a whopping 52.6% of games the champs fight each other in.

Who is Maokai good with?

Maokai is best with …

Name Winrate
Viktor Mid +5.9%
Vayne AD Carry +5.3%
Lux Mid +3.8%
Master Yi Jungler +3.5%

Does Maokai scale well?

R: Nature’s Grasp (Cooldown: 120/100/80 Seconds) Maokai’s ultimate scales insanely well with AP. It has 150/225/300 base damage with . 75 AP scaling. This combined with Q will do a lot of burst damage in the mid to late game.

Does Darius counter Maokai?

Unfortunately, Darius has done a terrible job of countering Maokai. Normally, he wins a lowly 46.6% of matches the champions fight one another in. In Darius vs Maokai games, Darius’s team is 0.1% more expected to gain first blood, implying that he most likely will be able to get first blood against Maokai.

Can Maokai knock up?

Bramble Smash 25 seconds. knocked back up to 300 units based on their proximity to him.


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