How do you determine make-or-buy?

How do you determine make-or-buy?

A company’s decision on whether to make or buy is based on its core competence. The production cost and quality problems are the major triggers of a make-or-buy decision. Other factors are managerial decisions and a company’s long-term business strategy that dictate the current operations pattern.

What are the three pillars of make-or-buy decision?

This report explores the dynamics of make-or-buy decisions and presents a framework to help companies make the right decisions. The framework is built on three key pillars — business strategy, risks, and economic factors.

What is meant by the make versus buy decision?

A make-or-buy decision is an act of choosing between manufacturing a product in-house or purchasing it from an external supplier. Make-or-buy decisions, like outsourcing decisions, speak to a comparison of the costs and advantages of producing in-house versus buying it elsewhere.

When should the make-or-buy decision be made?

Make-or-buy decisions usually arise when a firm that has developed a product or part—or significantly modified a product or part—is having trouble with current suppliers, or has diminishing capacity or changing demand. Make-or-buy analysis is conducted at the strategic and operational level.

What are the qualitative factors in make or buy decision?

Examples of qualitative factors include the reputation and reliability of the suppliers, the long-term outlook regarding production or purchasing the product, and the possibility of changing or altering the decision in the future and the likelihood of changing or reversing the decision at a future date.

What are the challenges in determining whether to make or buy?

The decision as to whether to make vs. buy a product is based on a variety of factors, including the cost of either option, whether the product is available from other vendors, the expertise and resources your business has when it comes to manufacturing, and whether you have enough cash in place to make a purchase.

What are the benefits of a make or buy analysis?

Some of the advantages of making or buy decisions are as follows:

  • The finding helps choose the most efficient option to go about in-house production of outsourcing.
  • The decision helps in the strategic maneuver of the business.
  • The decision helps save the cost for many businesses.

What are the risks in make vs buy strategy?

The second pillar under the Make Vs Buy strategy is risks involved with any decision. The major risk factors involved in making a product in the home country or purchasing it from foreign countries are quality, reliability, and predictability of outsourced solutions or services.

What are the benefits of a make-or-buy analysis?

What is make buy analysis?

The make or buy decision involves whether to manufacture a product in-house or to purchase it from a third party. The outcome of this analysis should be a decision that maximizes the long-term financial outcome for a company.

What is an example of a make or buy decision?

Examples of the qualitative factors in make-or-buy decision are: control over quality of the component, reliability of suppliers, impact of the decision on suppliers and customers, etc. The quantitative factors are actually the incremental costs resulting from making or buying the component.

How is the problem of make or buy resolved?

The decision is based on both financial and non-financial factors. In general proposed purchased price is compared with the marginal cost of production. If marginal cost of the production are more than the price offered by the outside supplier then clearly buying goods in finished form is a better option.


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