How do you do intertemporal budget constraints?

How do you do intertemporal budget constraints?

In words, the intertemporal budget constraint (“intertemporal” = “across time”) says that the present discounted value of consumption expenditures must equal the present discounted value of income. 0 , so you can use L’Hopital’s rule to find the limit, which works out to the natural log.

What is the meaning of intertemporal budget constraint?

In economics and finance, an intertemporal budget constraint is a constraint faced by a decision maker who is making choices for both the present and the future.

What is the slope and what is the intercept of intertemporal budget constraint?

The indifference curve that crosses point B is tangent to the intertemporal budget constraint, whose slope is −(1 + r1 ).

What is the intertemporal choice model?

Intertemporal choice is an economic term describing how current decisions affect what options become available in the future. Theoretically, by not consuming today, consumption levels could increase significantly in the future, and vice versa.

What happens to the intertemporal budget constraint when the interest rate r changes?

The constraint becomes flatter if the interest rate r falls or the inflation rate p rises (both decrease the real rate of interest).

What is the government budget constraint?

The government budget constraint is an accounting identity linking the monetary authority’s choices of money growth or nominal interest rate and the fiscal authority’s choices of spending, taxation, and borrowing at a point in time.

What is the budget constraint equation?

The Budget Constraint Formula PB = price of item B, while QB = quantity of item B consumed. The right side of the equation will then be her total cost of $400, which is less than her budget constraint of $500.

Can a borrower become a saver?

The individual stops being a borrower and becomes a saver if his or her first period income becomes sufficiently high. (The line that starts out positive and then becomes negative is the net demand for consumption in period 1; the other is the net demand for consumption in period 2.)

What is an intertemporal utility function?

Discounted utility has been used to describe how people actually make intertemporal choices and it has been used as a tool for public policy. Policy decisions about how much to spend on research and development, health and education all depend on the discount rate used to analyze the decision.

What is the effect of an increase in interest rate on intertemporal budget constraint?

The effect of an interest rate increase is to pivot the budget constraint around the point (M 1, M 2). Note that this point is always feasible—that is, it is feasible to consume one’s own endowment.

What is the government budget constraint formula?

The Single-Year Government Budget Constraint We call these government revenues. government deficit = outlays − revenues = government purchases + transfers − tax revenues = government purchases − (tax revenues − transfers) = government purchases − net taxes .

What is the intertemporal budget constraint?

In other words, people face a budget constraint, which sets a limit on how much they can spend. Since consumption decisions are taken over a period of time, consumers face intertemporal budget constraint, which shows how much income is available for consumption now and in the future.

What is the Fisher model of intertemporal choice?

Fisher’s model of intertemporal choice illustrates at least three things: (1) the budget constraints faced by consumers, (2) their preferences between current and future consumption, and (3) how these two conjointly determine households’ decision regarding optimal consumption and saving over an extended period of time.

Why discount factor is used in intertemporal choice?

Since it is possible to earn interest by saving (i.e., by sacrificing current consumption) this discount factor has to be used while making intertemporal choice between consumption and saving. Since r > 0, Y 2 (= Rs.100, say) < Y 1 (= Rs.100).


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