How do you dress for a Mardi Gras party?
How do you dress for a Mardi Gras party?
Consider the traditional Mardi Gras colors when creating your outfit. Purple, green, and gold are the key colors for the holiday. Purple symbolizes justice, green means faith and gold is power. Mardi Gras also retains influences from French masquerade balls; therefore, masks with feathers are another common accessory.
What would you wear for Mardi Gras?
During Mardi Gras, you’ll stick out if you’re NOT wearing a costume, or at least an accessory like some feathers, glitter, or a funky hat. At the very minimum, you may want to dress in the official colors of Carnival – purple, green, and gold.
How should I dress for a New Orleans themed party?
When pulling together your costume for the New Orleans theme party, include the traditional colors if possible. Any costume will do. Try a sexy belly dancer all decked in purple, green and gold. Other popular costume ideas include a playful jester, a Renaissance-style outfit and a can-can dancer.
Should I wear a costume to Mardi Gras?
People who attend the Mardi Gras celebrations wear whatever they want, but most wear costumes of gold, green and purple with wigs and masks to match.
What should you wear to a Mardi Gras party?
For a Mardi Gras party, wear a costume that incorporates the three symbolic colors of the event: purple, green and gold. Wear a courtly-themed costume, such as a jester hat or a queen’s cape. Wear multiple beaded necklaces or attach feathers to a masquerade mask.
How do you dress for Mardi Gras?
How to Dress for Mardi Gras Costumes are to the Carnival season as peanut butter is to jelly — indispensable. We encourage you to consider wearing one, or at least to accessorize with a sparkly headdress and some feathers. At the very least, wear something in the Carnival colors — purple, green and gold.
What are some foods for Mardi Gras?
Consider coordinating a costume contest for your guests. Plan the food. Traditional food during Mardi Gras includes hot slow-cooked dishes like gumbo, red beans and rice, chili or jambalaya. Finger food is always welcome, as well as any food that is purple, green or gold.