How do you explain polymers to kids?

How do you explain polymers to kids?

Polymers are very big molecules made up of many smaller molecules layered together in a repeating pattern. In fact, the word polymer is Greek for ‘many parts. ‘ The smaller molecules that come together to form polymers are called monomers–small units that link together over and over to form a large polymer.

What is polymer in Engineering Chemistry?

Polymers are made by transforming small molecules (monomers) into molecules with very large molecular weights. Although the chemical properties of polymers are similar to those of analogous small molecules, their physical properties are quite different.

What is polymer science and engineering?

Polymer science and engineering is a multidisciplinary STEM field focused on this special class of molecules. Polymer materials are ubiquitous in almost every aspect of modern life, and advances in the field enable scientific and technological breakthroughs in a wide range of technical applications.

What exactly is a polymer?

Polymers are large molecules made up of long chains or networks of smaller molecules called monomers. Natural polymers include silk, hair, proteins and DNA, while synthetic (man-made) polymers include polyethylene, polypropylene and polyester.

How do they make polymer?

Assorted combinations of heat, pressure and catalysis alter the chemical bonds that hold monomers together, causing them to bond with one another. Most often, they do so in a linear fashion, creating chains of monomers called polymers.

What are polymers used?

Uses of polymers Polymers are used in almost every area of modern living. Grocery bags, soda and water bottles, textile fibers, phones, computers, food packaging, auto parts, and toys all contain polymers. Even more-sophisticated technology uses polymers.

What is engineering polymers used for?

Engineering polymers are a type of plastic materials that are durable and rugged. Because of these properties, this type of polymer is widely used in the manufacturing industry. It is also commonly used as material in consumer goods too.

What is polymer Slideshare?

INTRODUCTION  Polymers are very large molecules made when hundreds of monomers join together to form long chains .  The word POLYMER comes from the Greek words poly means many and mer means parts .  Polymer is used as a synonym for plastic .

What is polymer in science class 8?

A polymer is made up of small units called monomers that combine under specific conditions. Example: Cotton, jute, silk and wool.

Which of these is a polymer?

Examples of Plastics: Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), vinyl, Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC), polypropylene and polycarbonates like bisphenol A (BPA). Therefore, we can say that plastics are polymers, but all polymers are not plastics.


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