How do you fix a discoid meniscus?

How do you fix a discoid meniscus?

Surgical Procedure. Complete and incomplete discoid menisci with no tears are typically treated with saucerization, a procedure in which the meniscus is cut and re-shaped into a crescent. If the discoid meniscus is also torn, the surgeon may perform a saucerization and then trim away the torn portion.

How long is recovery from discoid meniscus surgery?

Recovery from surgical treatment of a discoid meniscus is about 6 weeks to regain full strength and mobility of the joint. Most patients require no immobilization and limited restrictions of weight-bearing.

How rare is a discoid meniscus?

The incidence of discoid lateral meniscus is estimated to be 0.4% to 17%, whereas the discoid medial meniscus is extremely rare (0.1% to 0.3%)3–6).

Does physio help discoid meniscus?

This condition is most commonly discovered in childhood or youth. Surgery is required once symptoms are present. Physical therapists diagnose and treat discoid meniscus before and/or after any surgery needed. Physical therapists are movement experts.

Can discoid meniscus be repaired?

Discoid meniscus repair is an operative treatment that involves restoring the meniscus to a relatively healthy configuration or reconstructing it to resemble a normal meniscus.

Why is a discoid meniscus bad?

A discoid meniscus is more prone to injury than a normally shaped meniscus. The abnormal shape of the discoid meniscus makes it more likely to get stuck in the knee or tear. The risk for injury is even bigger when the ligament attachment to the tibia is also missing.

Is discoid meniscus bilateral?

A discoid medial meniscus is a very rare anomaly, and even more rare is to diagnose a bilateral discoid medial meniscus although the real prevalence of this situation is unknown because not all the discoid medial menisci are symptomatic and if the contralateral knee is not symptomatic then it is not usually studied.

What is an incomplete discoid meniscus?

Discoid meniscus – This type of tear usually occurs on the lateral side of the meniscus. and is classified as either incomplete discoid, this is larger than a normal meniscus and is normally attached. complete discoid will cover the entire tibial plateau and is also normally attached.

What is discoid meniscus partial meniscectomy?

For this reason, a partial meniscectomy (so called “saucerization”) for the treatment of symptomatic discoid meniscus has been recommended to reduce the progressive degeneration of the cartilage in the joint.

Are you born with a discoid meniscus?

A discoid meniscus is a congenital (born with) variant of the normal meniscus. Instead of being shaped like a cashew nut, the meniscus is more oval or disk shaped. Occasionally it has a normal shape with abnormal attachment to the surrounding structures. It tends to occur in the outer (lateral) meniscus.

What percentage of people have discoid meniscus?

Discoid lateral meniscus (DLM) is commonly observed, with an approximate incidence rate ranging from 0.4% to 17%, while discoid medial meniscus is rarely detected, with an incidence of 0.06% to 0.3% [20, 25, 29, 30, 35, 70].

How often is discoid meniscus bilateral?

A discoid medial meniscus is a very rare anomaly, and it is difficult to diagnose a bilateral discoid medial meniscus. The reported incidence rates for discoid lateral meniscus range from 1.2% to 5.2% and the incidence is much lower for discoid medial meniscus (0.12%–0.3%).

What happens if you leave a torn meniscus untreated?

Left untreated, a torn meniscus tear can cause even more damage, accelerate the onset of osteoarthritis, and result in a myriad of other undesirable symptoms. Treatment for a torn meniscus typically starts conservatively. Your doctor might recommend rest, ice, over the counter pain relievers, or physical therapy.

What are the best exercises for a torn meniscus?

Knee Circles.

  • Knee Weights.
  • Heel Raises.
  • Chair Balance.
  • Leg Curls.
  • Straight Leg Raises.
  • What is the best pain medication for a torn meniscus?

    The first steps in treatment after the acute injury usually include rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE). This may be helpful in easing the inflammation that occurs with a torn meniscus. Anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve), may help relieve pain and inflammation.

    How to recover from a meniscus tear without surgery?

    Studies have suggested that surgeries to repair a torn meniscus don’t actually lead to a fuller or quicker recovery than non-surgical treatments. Rather, a combination of anti-inflammatory medications or corticosteroid shots, knee brace use, and physical therapy will provide sufficient healing.


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