How do you fix a supracondylar fracture?

How do you fix a supracondylar fracture?

Surgery is usually not necessary if the fracture is a type 1 or a milder type 2, and if there are no complications. A cast or a splint can be used to immobilize the joint and allow the natural healing process to begin. Sometimes a splint is used first to allow the swelling to go down, followed by a full cast.

How do you correct cubitus varus deformity?

Lateral closed wedge (LCW) osteotomy is a commonly accepted method for the correction of the cubitus varus deformity. The fixation of osteotomy is required to prevent loss of correction achieved.

Which osteotomy is performed for Malunited supracondylar fracture?

Distal humerus osteotomy for supracondylar fracture malunion in children: a study of perioperative complications.

When do you correct cubitus varus?

Surgical technique. Surgical Correction of Cubitus Varus. Cubitus varus can arise from distal humerus fractures in childhood as a result of malunion, nonunion, or overgrowth. Several types of distal humerus osteotomies have been described to treat this deformity, each with its own benefits, drawbacks, and complications …

What does Supracondylar mean?

Medical Definition of supracondylar : of, relating to, affecting, or being the part of a bone situated above a condyle supracondylar osteotomy a supracondylar fracture of the humerus.

What nerve is affected in supracondylar fracture?

The injury pattern in the 196 affected nerves showed that the most commonly affected nerve was the ulnar nerve (43.4%), followed by the median (36.7%) and radial (19.9%) nerves.

What is a closing wedge osteotomy?

In the closing wedge osteotomy, an incision is made on the outside of the knee and a small wedge of bone is removed from the tibia. In both cases, a metal plate and screws and used to hold the cut pieces of the tibia together so they can fuse and heal.

Why cubitus varus is a supracondylar fracture?

Cubitus varus or bow elbow or gunstock deformity is the result of malunion occurring as a complication of supracondylar fracture of the humerus. It occurs in only the extension type of supracondylar fracture of the humerus, causing a reduction or loss of the carrying angle. Various aetiologies have been suggested.

What is osteotomy surgery?

Osteotomy (“bone cutting”) is a procedure in which a surgeon removes, or sometimes adds, a wedge of bone near a damaged joint. This shifts weight from an area where there is damaged cartilage to an area where there is more or healthier cartilage.

What is cubitus valgus?

Cubitus valgus is a deformity in which the forearm is angled out away from the body when the arm is fully extended. When it affects both arms, it’s known as cubitus valgus bilateral.

How do you reduce cubitus valgus?

In most cases, cubitus valgus is treated by one of two procedures: osteotomy or fixation. Osteotomy is a process in which your doctor cuts the bone in order to reshape it, thereby changing its alignment. A particular type of osteotomy called distraction osteogenesis has been used to treat cubitus valgus in children.

What is the difference between varus and valgus?

A varus deformity is an excessive inward angulation (medial angulation, that is, towards the body’s midline) of the distal segment of a bone or joint. The opposite of varus is called valgus. EX: Varus deformity results in a decreased Q angle of the knee joint.

What is supracondylar osteotomy?

Supracondylar tells you where the osteotomy is performed (above the condyle). An osteotomy refers to a wedge-shaped piece of bone that is removed from one side of the bone. The two remaining edges of bone (now separated by a space that looks like a piece of pie taken out of the bone) is then allowed to collapse.

How to correct elbow deformity after supracondylar elbow fracture?

Osteotomy to Correct Elbow Deformity After Supracondylar Elbow Fractures Straighten your arm and let the forearm drop down to your sides. Now turn your hands so the palms are facing forward. Look at your elbow and notice the angle formed from the shoulder to the wrist with the center at the elbow.

What is a dome osteotomy for a broken elbow?

Osteotomy to Correct Elbow Deformity After Supracondylar Elbow Fractures. To correct a situation of too much internal (inward) rotation, the surgeon might use a procedure called the rotational dome osteotomy. In the rotational dome osteotomy, a cut is made in the shaft of the humerus just above the condyles.

How can osteotomies be used to correct elbow Varus deformities?

Using this type of osteotomy, the surgeon can correct for deformities in all three planes. The result is to correct the carrying angle, reduce the excess elbow extension, and realign the internal rotation malunion. In this study from Japan, orthopedic surgeons investigated the various osteotomies used to correct elbow varus deformities.


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