How do you get rid of white bugs on African violets?

How do you get rid of white bugs on African violets?

For light infestations, try rubbing the insects off with a cotton swab soaked in rubbing alcohol (70 percent isopropyl). Then, thoroughly rinse your African Violet with lukewarm water, and let any excess drain off. Repeat this procedure, each day, to remove any newly hatched Mealy Bugs.

What are the little white things on my African violets?

The white material on the foliage of your African violets is probably powdery mildew. Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that is common on indoor plants, such as African violets, begonias, and poinsettias. Outbreaks of powdery mildew on houseplants typically occur in winter or early spring.

How do I get rid of aphids on African violets?

Usually, when you have African violets with aphids, you can use simple warm water and dish soap to remove them. Alternatively, you can find different pesticides that will kill aphids on African violets. But for these and other pests, it’s always better to try non-chemical methods first. Neem oil is another option.

What kills little white bugs on plants?

Use rubbing alcohol For smaller infestations, soak a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and wipe down every inch of the plant. Alcohol only kills the bugs by direct contact, so you may need to do a few applications. After you feel like the population is sufficiently taken care of, rinse the plant a few times with water.

Can you spray African violets for bugs?

Use one of the ready-made houseplant insect controls labeled for mealybug control for African violets. Use the spray, which may be aerosol or finger pump, as recommended. Read all label directions and precautions. Repeat applications are usually suggested.

Can you spray neem on African violets?

It is best to use something natural like Neem oil. If you cannot find that, whatever you use should be listed as safe for African violets. Powdery mildew can be controlled with Neem oil; with botrytis you would need to clean out rotted material and allow to dry.

What kind of bugs get on African violets?

Mealybugs: Several kinds of mealybugs are pests on African violets. They include the citrus mealybug (Planococcus citri) and the Comstock mealybug (Pseudococcus comstocki). Mealybugs are about ΒΌ inch in length. They have soft bodies and are covered with a white waxy material that makes them look cottony.

Can insecticidal soap be used on African violets?

Insecticidal soaps kill off aphids and are safe to use inside your home. To work, the spray needs to smother the aphids. Repeat treatment every four to seven days until you spot no more aphids on your African violet.

Why does my plant have little white bugs?

Whiteflies: Whitefly issues frequently originate via a plant purchased at an infested greenhouse, which makes a careful inspection of any new plants extra important. These tiny, white, moth-like flies are found on leaf undersides and will quickly fly off the plant when it’s disturbed.

What kind of bugs do African violets get?

Do African violets get bugs?

The most common pests of African violets are cyclamen mites, mealybugs and thrips. Because it is very tricky to cure a cyclamen mite problem, it is often easier to simply throw out the infested plant. Mealybugs (scales) are also difficult to destroy, as they tend to lodge in the crotches on the crown.

What insect pollinates African violets?

The American cockroach is the most commonly reported chewing pest of African violets in the United States. It is a pest in the greenhouse, the floral shop and the home. Just a few cockroaches on a floral cart or greenhouse bench can cause an unbelievable amount of damage.

What are some problems with African violets?

African Violet Leaf Problems Rot. African violets with crown and root rot have the symptoms or drooping leaves around the outside of the plant. Botrytis Blight. Botrytis blight in African violets is a fungal disease that causes the leaves to appear blighted. Mealybugs. African violets with mealybugs have stunted and distorted leaves throughout the plant. Water Spots.

How do you treat African violets?

Quick Answer. To make African violets bloom, trim off old blossoms after they start to fade, make sure they have lots of light, fertilize the plants regularly and make sure that there is adequate humidity in the area. It can also help to plant the violets in small containers with porous soil.

What does African violet symbolize?

The African Violet is a symbol of loyalty, strength, courage, devotion and the deepest of love commitment.


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