How do you practice commas?

How do you practice commas?

Comma Rules & Practice

  1. Use commas to separate items in a series.
  2. Use commas to separate two or more adjectives preceding a noun.
  3. Use commas before and, but, or, nor, for, and yet when they join independent clauses.
  4. Use commas to set off nonessential clauses and nonessential participial phrases.

How do you teach commas in a fun way?

Goofiness is the key to teaching commas in a series. Create nonsensical lists with students that are school appropriate for school. You can also sneak in life lessons with practice sentences. Be sure to create a series for various types of lists: words, phrases, and clauses.

What is a comma for students?

A comma is a punctuation mark that separates items in a list and marks the divisions within sentences.

How do you teach a comma to a child?

Comma Rules

  1. Use commas for items in a series of three or more items.
  2. Use a comma to separate the two independent clauses in a compound sentence.
  3. Use a comma when you are speaking to a person or a group of people.
  4. Use a comma after an introductory word or phrase.

What is a high comma called?

The “high comma” is another term for an apostrophe. It is used to indicate the possessive, to contract, and to stress particular syllables. It also comes in handy during the phonetic spelling of certain names.

How do you add commas in exercises?

Exercise : Comma Exercise 1. Add commas as needed in the sentences below. On the line to the left of each sentence, write the number of the appropriate comma rule (click here to see the rules).If the sentence is correct as it is, write C on the line and refer to the appropriate rule in parentheses after the sentence.

What is a comma used for?

A comma separates items in the series, including the final item preceded by and, or, or nor. Comma Uses: Exercise 1 Directions:Rewrite the below sentences on the given line, placing commas where commas are needed. If a sentence needs no comma, write “correct” in the text box.

How do you use commas in a series of sentences?

The series is connected by and, or, or nor before the last item. 3. A comma separates items in the series, including the final item preceded by and, or, or nor. Comma Uses: Exercise 1 Directions: Rewrite the below sentences on the given line, placing commas where commas are needed.

How do I add commas to fair use?

Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our terms and conditions of fair use. Add commas as needed in the sentences below. On the line to the left of each sentence, write the number of the appropriate comma rule ( click here to see the rules ).


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