How do you refresh a database in Oracle?

How do you refresh a database in Oracle?

Before you refresh, Oracle recommends that you back up your outline file and export data from all databases. To refresh the database: On the Home page, click Console. On the Application tab, click Actions, and then click Refresh Database.

How do you refresh a view in Oracle?

To refresh the Oracle materialized view, call one of the procedures in DBMS_MVIEW. The DBMS_MVIEW package provides three types of refresh operations: DBMS_MVIEW. REFRESH: Refreshes one or more Oracle materialized views.

How do I refresh a schema from one database to another in Oracle?

CASE I: Databases with same version >=10g

  1. Step 1: Take export backup using datapump method of source and target database.
  2. Step 2: Transfer source dumpfile to target dumpfile using SCP utility as below.
  3. Step 3: Drop schema in target database which needs to be refreshed and import source dumpfile into target database.

How does a materialized view refresh work?

Refreshes a materialized view. When you create a materialized view, its contents reflect the state of the underlying database table or tables at that time. The data in the materialized view remains unchanged, even when applications make changes to the data in the underlying tables.

How do you refresh a database?

To perform a database refresh, have the version you want to load onto the database ready to go. Then, back up the database you decide to refresh. Once the backup is complete, you can start to load the fresh database. Once it’s finished loading, you should verify that it worked correctly.

How do you refresh a database in Hyperion Planning?

To create or refresh the application database:

  1. Back up the application.
  2. Select Administration, and then Application.
  3. Select Create Database or Refresh Database.
  4. Select options:
  5. To create or refresh data in the Planning database, click Create or Refresh.
  6. Review the confirmation message.

What is Schemabinding in SQL views?

SCHEMABINDING. Binds the view to the schema of the underlying table or tables. When SCHEMABINDING is specified, the base table or tables cannot be modified in a way that would affect the view definition.

What is Materialised views in Oracle?

A materialized view is a database object that contains the results of a query. You can select data from a materialized view as you would from a table or view. In replication environments, the materialized views commonly created are primary key, rowid, object, and subquery materialized views.

How do you refresh a schema?

Schema Refresh

  1. Check the Schema Exist or Not. Schema must be there in source database.
  2. Check the schema size.
  3. check the privileges and roles.
  4. have to check the default tablespace of user.
  5. quotas.
  6. check the objects count of user.
  7. Before going to take the export,
  8. create directory.

What is Oracle database refresh?

the phrase means and if it’s the same as database cloning or database restoring. Generally, it is the process of overwriting an existing database with a stage, development or production database to purge old data. This process refreshes the database and its data while keeping all database objects intact.

How to do table refresh in Oracle DBA?

TABLE REFRESH steps in ORACLE | Oracle DBA Tweets …. Learning is Fun-tastic 1. Capture the SOURCE database TABLE ROW COUNT which are to be refreshed. 2.Take EXPORT of required TABLE (s) at SOURCE Database. 3. Copy the EXPORT DUMPFILE (s) to DESTINATION Database Server. (SCP) 4. Take EXPORT of required TABLE (s) at DESTINATION Database.

How to refresh a table in SQL Server?

1. Capture the SOURCE database TABLE ROW COUNT which are to be refreshed. 2.Take EXPORT of required TABLE (s) at SOURCE Database. 3. Copy the EXPORT DUMPFILE (s) to DESTINATION Database Server. (SCP) 4. Take EXPORT of required TABLE (s) at DESTINATION Database.

How can I schedule a test database refresh?

There are several methods commonly-used for fast test database refreshes, and they can all be reliably scheduled within Oracle, using dbms_job or dbms_scheduler: 1 – Database cloning – See my notes for a fast full clone of a production database into test. Cloning a regular database. Cloning a RAC database.

How to speed up database refresh?

Check the USEDMB column in SOURCE DATABASE (STARQA_GDC) and TOTALMB column in TARGET DATABASE (STARTST) carefully and verify the SPACE needed for the refresh,If the space is insufficient in particular TABLESPACE,Increase the size of the Tablespace for import operation to be successfull and hence Database refresh to be successfull.


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