How do you reply to Como estas?

How do you reply to Como estas?

You can respond to this in the same way you would respond to ¿Cómo estás? An answer like Bien (good), Bastante bien (pretty good) or Muy bien (very good) is appropriate.

How do you respond to que te gusta hacer?

So you would answer “Me gusta…” or “Me gustan…” followed by what you like. If you post your attempt, someone may help you correct it, if it needs that.

What is the difference between Como estas and Como esta?

Como estás is the informal version of how are you, or the tú form of saying you. Está is the formal version or the usted form of you.

What’s como estas mean?

how are you?

Is Que tal formal?

It is not really formal and it is used in two similar but different ways: 1) You can use it as “hello”, not waiting an answer.

How is esta used in Spanish?

Use “es” (from the verb ser) when referring to something more permanent, like a physical or personality characteristic. Use “está” (from the verb estar) when referring to something more temporary, like an emotion, location, or condition.

Does esta have accent?

The form of this verb is “está”, with the accent on the last syllable: esta – “this” before feminine nouns: esta casa, esta mujer,ésta – “this” used as a pronoun to refer to a feminine noun: Mira ésta.

What is the difference between Como te llamas and Como se llama?

Well, “Como te llamas” means “What’s your name?” and you use that informally or with people the same age as you or younger children. “Como se llama” is the formal version in which you speak to your boss or someone you want to show respect to.

Is Ella formal or informal?

More on Personal Pronounstú = you (informal)vosotros = you (masc., inf.) vosotras = you (fem., inf.)usted = you (formal)ustedes = you (formal)él = heellos = they (masc.)ella = sheellas = they (fem.)7


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