How do you say balls in Mexico?

How do you say balls in Mexico?

Huevos, cojones, pelotas. Huevos literally means “eggs” and pelotas are “balls”, but these words are also slang for “testicles” (cojones). The expressions with these words are endless and in many instances you can use either word.

How do you say what’s up in Chilango?

A few of its most common uses are “Qué pedo,” basically “What’s up,” and “Está bien pedo,” as in “He’s wasted.” But there are a LOT of ways to use this term; I could literally dedicate an entire post to it.

What does Ni Te Topo mean?

Spanish term or phrase: Una mentira: te topo. English translation: Came upon/caught out/met/ run into/bump into/ (by) your own lie.

What is Placoso?

adjective. 1. Wounding, making wounds. Velazquez® Spanish and English Dictionary.

Why do they call people chilangos?

The most common explanation was that Mexico City residents are called chilangos because of their fondness for chili peppers. Another was that the word derived from a vulgar Spanish word that means to rape or to conquer. Angered, people in the countryside began referring to these outsiders as chilangos.

What do Mexican gangsters call their girlfriends?

The “old” sense of ruca became a shorthand for older women, particularly in the sense of “old lady” as it’s used as slang for a female significant other. By the 1950s, ruca was used to describe to girlfriends of Chicano gangsters in the United States as well as female gang members more generally.

How do you say fart in Mexico?

Yeah, we can’t explain this one either, but ‘pedo’ (fart) is a very popular word in much Mexican slang. What it actually means: Calm down. As a side note, ‘huevos’ is also slang for ‘testicles’.

What does SAS mean in Spanish?

vestibule / access area
English translation: vestibule / access area

Spanish term or phrase: SAS
English translation: vestibule / access area
Entered by: S Ben Price


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