How do you say clients plural?

How do you say clients plural?

Clients => Plural of client. Client’s => Of or belonging to one client. Clients’ => Of or belonging to more than one client.

Are clients or our clients?

The possessive plural is often confused with the singular possessive form because the word in question typically already contains an -s, as is the case with “clients.”…Regular and Irregular Plural Nouns.

Regular Plural Noun Possessive Plural Example Sentence
Clients Clients’ Our clients’ information is confidential.

Does customers need an apostrophe?

customers – plural, no apostrophe; customer’s – singular possessive, apostrophe before the possesive “s”; customers’ – plural possessive, apostrophe after plural “s” (there’s no possessive s).

Who are our clients?

A client is someone who uses the professional advice or services of a business. A client can also be a person who receives the benefits and services of an agency. When we care for someone, we provide a benefit that impacts others far beyond the client, including their family.

What is difference between client’s and clients?

client’s [singular possessive] is used to show possession of an item or thought (displeasure) belonging to only one client. clients’ [plural possessive] is used to show possession of items or thoughts (representatives) belonging to more than one client.

Is client and customer the same?

A customer is someone who buys something, especially from a shop. A client is a person or company that receives a service from a professional person or organization in return for payment.

Are customers grammatically correct?

Use customer’s with the apostrophe before the “s,” to show the possessive form for a single customer. Use customers’ with the apostrophe after the “s,” to show the possessive plural form of two or more customers.

What is the difference between customer and costumer?

Costumer is a noun. It means someone who makes, sells, and/or rents clothing for parties. Customer is a noun. It means a buyer, someone who is surveying the marketplace for things to purchase.

What is the synonym of client?

In this page you can discover 31 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for client, like: customer, patient, patron, client state, purchaser, consumer, advisee, node, manager, isp and dependent.

What is a testimonial page?

A testimonial is a third party statement that comments on how good someone or something is. By strategically placing website testimonials on a dedicated ‘Testimonials’ page, as well as on your ‘About Us’ page, product pages, and more, you can convince interested users that you’re worth their trust.

Who are clients in business?

A client of a professional person or organization is a person or company that receives a service from them in return for payment. [business] …a solicitor and his client. The company required clients to pay substantial fees in advance. Synonyms: customer, consumer, buyer, patron More Synonyms of client.

How do you use client in a sentence?

Client sentence example

  1. I’ve been looking at his client files and calling some of them.
  2. Meeting with a client , he’ll be back soon.
  3. In 37 B.C. Herod was king of Judaea, being the client of Antony and the husband of Mariamne.
  4. May a lawyer defend a client whom he knows to be guilty?

What is customer client?

The Definition of Customer and Client. Customer ‘“ is a person who pays money in order to purchase services or goods from another person or company. Client ‘“ is also a person who purchases services or goods.

What is a client description?

Job Description. They are often the primary point of contact for a client or customer. Their job tasks include directing and controlling the processing and fulfillment of orders, fielding customer inquiries, and resolving customer complaints. They may also streamline business operations, provide product training to customers,…

What is your client?

A client is the receiving end of a service or the requestor of a service in a client/server model type of system. The client is most often located on another system or computer, which can be accessed via a network. This term was first used for devices that could not run their own programs,…

What is trusted client?

Trusted client. In computing, a trusted client is a device or program controlled by the user of a service, but with restrictions designed to prevent its use in ways not authorized by the provider of the service. That is, the client is a device that vendors trust and then sell to the consumers, whom they do not trust.


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