How do you say congratulations on a promotion?

How do you say congratulations on a promotion?


  1. Congratulations on your well-deserved promotion!
  2. Good luck in your new position.
  3. You should be really happy and proud of your success.
  4. Hope this promotion brings all kinds of new challenges and opportunities for you.
  5. Way to climb that corporate ladder!
  6. You worked hard for this and you deserve it.

How do you respond to a promotion letter?

Dear [Name], It’s been a pleasure to learn and grow under your leadership. Thanks again for recognizing my contribution with this promotion. I look forward to continuing to work together.

How do you thank someone for a promotion?

I wanted to thank you for my recent promotion to [new job title] and let you know how much I appreciate your support. It’s such a great opportunity that I’ve looked forward to for some time and I’m grateful for your confidence in my abilities.

How do you accept a new promotion?

Let the person who informed you that you got the promotion know that you’re grateful and excited to get started, recommends Indeed. If you get the news in person, a simple, “Wow, that’s great news” or “Fantastic, I’m very excited” are good starts.

How do you congratulate a manager for a promotion?

Top 30 Congratulations Message to Boss on Promotion

  1. Show your unwavering faith in your boss.
  2. You get what you work hard for.
  3. Thank you for your mentorship.
  4. You are a constant source of inspiration for us.
  5. You are a talented leader.
  6. You are an inspiration for us.

How do you write a congratulation letter for achievement?

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your achievement! You have worked hard to earn this position, and I’m sure you will do an outstanding job in motivating your team to new, heightened levels of sales performance. Best wishes for your continued success.

How do you congratulate someone on a promotion email?

Examples include, “I want to be the first to congratulate you on your promotion,” or “Great job on all your hard work that led to your promotion.” Other possibilities include simple phrases such as, “Cheers on the new job,” or “Job well done.” Make sure to include just a few congratulatory statements to make your …

How do you decide to accept a promotion?

Here’s how to figure out if a promotion is the best next step for you right now:

  1. Do your research. Before accepting, gather the facts about the new role.
  2. Factor in your mental health.
  3. Consider your professional path.
  4. Lean on your core values.
  5. Try a thought experiment, or two.
  6. Put fear in its place.

How do you accept promotion via email?

Thank you for offering me the position of [Name of Position] at [Name of Company]. I am delighted to accept your offer and very excited to begin this journey. [As we have previous discussed / As stated in the offer letter], I accept my starting salary of [Salary] for this position.

How do you congratulate superior on a promotion?

How do you write a promotion message?

When you’re ready to write your promotional or marketing message, consider the following:

  1. Let the customer know who you are. They may not have your business number saved on their phone.
  2. Keep the message short.
  3. Include an image.
  4. Include a call to action (CTA).
  5. Don’t use a URL shortener.


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