How do you solve distributive property using multiplication?

How do you solve distributive property using multiplication?

How to Use the Distributive Property of Multiplication

  1. Simplify the numbers. In this example, 101 = 100 + 1, so:
  2. Split the problem into two easier problems. Take the number outside the parentheses, and multiply it by each number inside the parentheses, one at a time.
  3. Add the products.

What is distributive property in math multiplication?

A property is a characteristic about something that is always true. The distributive property of multiplication is a rule that is always true. The distributive property says that you can distribute a number being multiplied into parentheses.

What is example of distributive property?

What is Distributive Property?

The distributive property of multiplication over addition: The distributive property of multiplication over subtraction:
8 × ( 20 + 7 ) = 8 × 20 + 8 × 7 = 160 + 56 = 216 8 × ( 30 − 3 ) = 8 × 30 − 8 × 3 = 240 − 24 = 216

What is distributive property of multiplication over addition with example?

The distributive property of multiplication over addition is applied when you multiply a value by a sum. For example, you want to multiply 5 by the sum of 10 + 3. As we have like terms, we usually first add the numbers and then multiply by 5. But, according to the property, you can first multiply every addend by 5.

How do you do distributive property equations?

Distributive property with exponents

  1. Expand the equation.
  2. Multiply (distribute) the first numbers of each set, outer numbers of each set, inner numbers of each set, and the last numbers of each set.
  3. Combine like terms.
  4. Solve the equation and simplify, if needed.

Which equation is an example of distributive property?

The distributive property states, if p, q, and r are three rational numbers, then the relation between the three is given as, p × (q + r) = (p × q) + (p × r). For example, 1/3(1/2 + 1/5) = 1/3 × 1/2 + 1/3 × 1/5 = 7/30. This property is also known as the distributivity of multiplication over addition.

Is the distributive property only for multiplication?

The distributive property tells us how to solve expressions in the form of a(b + c). The distributive property is sometimes called the distributive law of multiplication and division. Then we need to remember to multiply first, before doing the addition!


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