How do you solve the $97 shirt riddle?

How do you solve the $97 shirt riddle?

You owe each of your parents 49 dollars, but you shouldn’t account for the 1 dollar you have. 2 * 49 = 98 + the two dollars you paid them. And 98 = 97 shirt + 1 dollar you kept.

What is the shirt riddle?

The ‘You see a shirt for £97’ riddle goes as follows: You see a shirt for £97, you can’t afford it so u borrow £50 from your mum and £50 from your dad which equals £100. You buy the shirt and get £3 change so you give your dad £1 and your mum £1 back and you keep the other pound.

Where is the extra dollar shirt riddle?

The Riddle: I bought the shirt with $3 of change. I gave $1 to Mom, $1 to Dad, and kept $1 for myself. Now I owe my mom $49 and my dad $49. $49 + $49 = $98 + my $1 = $99.

What has a neck but no head?

The answer to the “who is that with a neck and no head” riddle is “a shirt”. There you have it!

Where is the other dollar answer?

There is no missing dollar. There is no missing dollar because the men spent $27, of which $25 went on the room and $2 went to the bell boy. The $2 that went to the bell boy came from the $27 spent, with the other $25 going on the room.

Which bow can’t be tied?

The right answer to the riddle is the Rainbow. Rainbow is a bow that can’t be tied. Rainbow is an arch of colours visible in the sky.

What is the answer to the riddle of the missing dollar?

$2 (money in bellhop’s pocket) To add the $2 to the $27 would be to double-count it. So, the three guests’ cost of the room, including the bellhop’s tip, is $27. Each of the 3 guests has $1 in his pocket, totaling $3. When added to the $27 revised cost of the room (including tip to the bellhop), the total is $30.

How much money did the owner lose riddle?

Answer To Stolen Money Riddle The best answer from the choices is the owner lost $100. The $100 bill that was stolen was then given back to the owner. What the owner loses is the $70 worth of goods and the $30 in change, which makes for a total of $70 + $30 = $100.

What has 21 eyes and Cannot see?

A die (plural: dice) 🎲 Each side of a cube is called it’s “face”. There are a total of 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 21 dots or “eyes” over the 6 surfaces.

What teaches without talking?

The answer for What teaches without talking? Riddle is “A Book.”

What is the riddle of the $100 and $70?

The riddle seems really confusing, but if you break the answer down step by step, it’s really not that bad. The man takes $100 from the register. He then gives the $100 back to the owner when he pays for the goods. But, the owner has then lost $70 worth of goods.

What did the man do with the $100 bill?

A man walks into a store and steals a $100 bill from the register without the owner’s knowledge. He then buys $70 worth of goods using the $100 bill and the owner gives $30 in change.

What was the “riddle” you received from your class last quarter?

Last quarter, I received the following “riddle” from a student in my class: It’s a slow day in some little town…….. The sun is hot….the streets are deserted. Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody lives on credit. On this particular day a rich tourist from back west is driving thru town.

What is the best type of Riddle?

Lots of everyone’s favourite riddles are word based, or require you to solve a mental puzzle. But some of the best riddles are always the maths based ones, and that’s exactly what we’ve got for you here.


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