How do you take care of a dracaena plant?

How do you take care of a dracaena plant?

Your Dracaena Tarzan will do best in medium to bright indirect sunlight, but can tolerate low light. Overwatering causes root rot and is the main reason a Dracaena plant dies. Water your Dracaena well and allow the top 75% of the soil to dry before watering again. Water thoroughly and discard any excess water.

Does dracaena need a lot of light?

Growing conditions: Dracaena prefers bright, indirect light; it tolerates dimmer light, but growth slows as a result. The plant grows well with standard indoor potting soil and average house temps and humidity.

Is the Dracena plant poisonous?

Dracaena is toxic to both cats and dogs. Or rather saponin, a chemical compound that is found in the plant, is toxic to them. A dog eating dracaena leaves can result in vomiting (sometimes with and sometimes without blood), diarrhea, weakness, drooling, loss of appetite, and depression.

How often should I water my dracaena?

Dracaena trees prefer the soil to dry between waterings, but not completely through the pot. Typically, watering every 10-14 days will keep the soil with a nice even level of moisture.

Can Dracaena grow full sun?

Dracaena can survive in low or medium light, but the leaves will look their best in bright, indirect sun. Excessive sun can cause browning of leaves, as can too little humidity.

How do I know if my Dracaena needs water?

A general rule of thumb is to only water dracaena when the soil feels dry to the touch. Water plants thoroughly, or until water freely flows from the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. Many growers choose to place a saucer under planting containers to collect excess water.

Is Dracena poisonous to dogs?

Dracaena is a plant common in many households due to the attractive vibrancy and green color. However, this plant is very toxic to your dog if he ingests it. If he does, you need to contact your veterinarian immediately.

Are Dracena toxic to dogs?

Corn plant (also known as cornstalk plant, dracaena, dragon tree, and ribbon plant) is toxic to dogs and cats. Saponin is the toxic chemical compound in this plant. If this plant is ingested, vomiting (with or without blood), appetite loss, depression, and/or increased salivation can occur.

Should I cut off the brown tips?

The answer to this question is yes, you should always remove the brown tips from your indoor plants. If your indoor plants begin to exhibit dry and brown patches on more than 50 per cent of their leaves, then you need to remove them immediately.

Can Dracaena be planted outside?

Dracaenas aren’t picky about outdoor soil, as long as it drains easily. However, they’ll grow best in garden soil amended with compost or other organic matter. Like dracaenas grown as houseplants, they can’t take direct sun.


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