How do you take care of a kalanchoe plant?

How do you take care of a kalanchoe plant?

How to Care for a Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana Plant

  1. Select an area with plenty of sunlight and light, sandy soil.
  2. Water kalanchoe when the soil feels dry, but avoid wetting the leaves.
  3. Trim off any dead or wilting flowers at their stems.
  4. Fertilize kalanchoe during periods of new growth.

How do you care for a kalanchoe plant indoors?

Kalanchoe needs plenty of light to bloom. Place potted plant close to a sunny window. Keep plant warm; temperatures between 13-29 degrees C (55-80 degrees F) would be ideal. Plant in well-drained, well-aerated soil, such as 50% peat moss and 40% perlite.

Do kalanchoe plants need direct sunlight?

As an indoor plant in cooler climates, kalanchoe grows best in full sun or bright indirect light. This plant needs a very well-drained soil.

How do you keep a kalanchoe plant blooming?

Tricking a Kalanchoe into Blooming Keep the plant warm and away from drafts. Do not water or feed the plant for 6 weeks, as it is dormant. As soon as you see flower buds, move the plant to brighter lighting and resume watering. Feed the plant in spring and remove spent flowers to encourage new buds.

How many hours of sunlight does a kalanchoe plant need?

14 hours
You should keep the plant covered for at least 14 hours per day, and then allow it to have bright sunlight (but not full sun). Continue with this regime until the blooms form. Once you observe the blooms forming, place your kalanchoe in a sunny location and continue with care.

How often should I water Kalanchoe?

The best rule of thumb for watering a kalanchoe is to stick your finger in the soil every few days. When the top 2 inches of soil is dry (all the way dry, not just sort of dry), it’s time to water. Indoors, this will probably mean you’ll only need to water every 2 or 3 weeks, but be sure to check regularly.

Where do kalanchoes grow best?

Kalanchoes grown as houseplants are sun worshippers, so give them the brightest light you can for the longest time possible. A south-facing window is ideal, though west-facing will also work. One thing kalanchoes don’t like, though, is the cold, so make sure to keep them away from drafty windows and doors.

How often should I water a kalanchoe plant?


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