How do you use accounted for?

How do you use accounted for?

account for

  1. to be the explanation or cause of something synonym explain. The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.
  2. to give an explanation of something synonym explain. How do you account for the show’s success?
  3. to be a particular amount or part of something.

Is it counted for or accounted for?

Both versions appear correct to me, but “count for” seems to be more common usage.

What does it mean to account to someone?

To report or explain (something) to one. I shall not account to someone who is of lower rank than I.

Is it present or accounted for or presented for accounted?

This has a slightly different implication. It implies that those who are not present have been accounted for. The phrase all present and accounted for simply means that everyone or everything is present and accounted for. There is nothing or no one that is not present.

How do you use accounted in a sentence?

At a later period when he had grown fat he accounted for his skill in taking “cut balls” at tennis by saying that he was a very “painstaking man.” Their very isolation had in some measure accounted for their seeming importance. This fact has been variously accounted for by different critics.

Can be accounted for in a sentence?

Assuring students that all the money would be accounted for, he said he planned to meet with the bursary yesterday to get an idea of the balance in the guild’s account. This is an absence from the historical record that must be accounted for.

What does it mean to account for the difference?

“accounts for the difference” means that when remaining numbers are taken into account, they cover the difference.

What does the term accounted for mean?

Definition of account for (something) 1 : to give a reason or explanation for (something) How do you account for your success? 2 : to be the cause of (something) These new features account for the computer’s higher price. 3 : to make up or form (a part of something) Women account for only 25 percent of our employees.

Can be accounted for synonym?

“On the other side, Naas pulled out all the stops in defeating Kilkenny and they went on to easily account for Portlaoise in the final.”…What is another word for accounted for?

described related
gave an account of given an account of
list broadcast
listed spread
delineated put out

What does it mean to be present and accounted for?

Definition of all present and accounted for —used to say that all the people who are supposed to be at a place or event are there The students are all present and accounted for.

Will be accounted for meaning?

1. To constitute the governing or primary factor in: Bad weather accounted for the long delay. 2. To provide an explanation or justification for: The suspect couldn’t account for his time that night.

Can I end a sentence with accounted for?

It’s absolutely fine as it is. The advice to avoid ending a sentence with a preposition is pretty old-fashioned and not something to be worried about. As long as it doesn’t sound clumsy, just do it. If your example still doesn’t sound right to you, consider replacing ‘accounted for’ with ‘addressed’.

What does accounted for mean?

(something) is accounted for. When something “is accounted for”, it means that you know where it is. You usually use this phrase to talk about a group of things, like all of the students in your class: Everyone’s accounted for. This means that you know where everyone is.

What does all present and accounted for mean?

A slightly different phrase is all present or accounted for. This has a slightly different implication. It implies that those who are not present have been accounted for. The phrase all present and accounted for simply means that everyone or everything is present and accounted for.

What does account for mean?

What is ‘On Account’. On account is an accounting term that denotes partial payment of an amount owed or the purchase/sale of merchandise or services on credit. For example, if a firm purchases $5,000 worth of merchandise on account, this refers to the purchase of the goods on credit and a deferral of payment.

What does it mean to account for something?

To account for something means to give it consideration or value. An example of account is when someone is judging another person’s actions and considers all of his possible motivations for his behavior. Account means to appoint a characteristic to something or someone.


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