How do you use right-hand rule to find force?

How do you use right-hand rule to find force?

The right hand rule states that: to determine the direction of the magnetic force on a positive moving charge, point your right thumb in the direction of the velocity (v), your index finger in the direction of the magnetic field (B), and your middle finger will point in the direction of the the resulting magnetic force …

Is the right-hand rule clockwise or counterclockwise?

For right-handed coordinates the right thumb points along the z axis in the positive direction and the curl of the fingers represents a motion from the first or x axis to the second or y axis. When viewed from the top or z axis the system is counter-clockwise.

What is the direction of the force on a positive charge when entering a uniform magnetic field in the direction indicated?

What is the direction of the magnetic force? Using the right-hand rule, you can see that the magnetic force is directed to the left. Remember that the magnetic force must be perpendicular to BOTH the B field and the velocity.

Why the right hand rule works?

The right hand rule works because we have all agreed on it. If we had all agreed on the left hand rule then the left hand rule would also work. This is similar to calling the charge on a proton “positive” and the charge on an electron “negative”.

What is the right hand rule in physics?

The right-hand rule also applies to the moment of a force vector. To determine the correct direction for this vector, you can use the right-hand rule. However, as shown in the example above, if you are calculating this vector directly using cross-product multiplication (i.e. Mo = r × Fp ), then you do not need to apply the right-hand rule

How do you use the right hand rule in torque analysis?

To use the right hand rule in torque problems, take your right hand and point it in the direction of the position vector (r or d), then turn your fingers in the direction of the force and your thumb will point toward the direction of the torque.

What is the right hand rule for angular acceleration?

Similarly, if you know the direction of spin of the angular acceleration, you must use the right-hand rule to assign the correct direction for its corresponding vector, and thus determine the correct values for its three components (α x, α y, α z).

How do you apply the right hand rule to cross products?

To apply the right hand rule to cross products, align your fingers and thumb at right angles. Then, point your index finger in the direction of vector a and your middle finger in the direction of vector b. Your right thumb will point in the direction of the vector product, a x b (vector c). Right Hand Rule for Lenz’s Law


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