How do you use such in a sentence?

How do you use such in a sentence?

Such sentence example

  1. I never saw such small pigs before.
  2. Why is everyone in such a hurry?
  3. She was so fortunate to have such a wonderful family.
  4. They would like to have such a life.
  5. He was quiet for a minute and she wondered if he’d given up, but no such luck.
  6. He is handsome, but I’ve never met anyone with such moods!

How do you use such and such in a sentence?

1 If they tell you to arrive at such and such a time, just get there a couple of minutes early. 2 They will ask you to come on such and such a day, at such and such a time. 3 Arable land was such and such a percent. 4 My name’s John James, your name is such and such.

What does such mean?

‘Of such’ really means ‘talking about these’… great powers. Or ‘on the topic of… such great powers…’ Example: ‘Of Mice and Men’ – a book, about (presumably) mice and men.

Can a sentence start with such?

There is nothing wrong with beginning a sentence with such when it fits well.

How do you start a sentence with such?

“Donald Trump is president, and he wields a lot of power as such.” You could say “Donald Trump is president, and he wields a lot of power as president.” The antecedent of the pronoun “such” is clearly “president.” Putting “as such” at the beginning of the sentence doesn’t change that: “Donald Trump is president.

Is such a real word?

Can such be used as a pronoun?: Usage Guide. For reasons that are hard to understand, commentators on usage disapprove of such used as a pronoun. Dictionaries, however, recognize it as standard; all of the citations upon which our definitions of this word are based are clearly standard.

Is such as a formal word?

“Such as” is an adverb in American English that means “for example.” It is a formal phrase that’s common in written English and formal speeches and less standard in casual English conversation.

What is another way to say as such?

What is another word for as such?

as a result consequently
therefore thus
due to this thusly
because of that because of this
ergo in consequence

How to use “successfully” in a sentence?

In the summer of 1906 he flew with his glider successfully very short distances.

  • But the league was successfully carried through, and that was, after all, the main thing.
  • No thief, murderer, or smuggler ever yet successfully and systematically defied it.
  • A Wild Boar Hunt, of the year 1659, shows that he could successfully treat an…
  • How to use “sensible” in a sentence?

    A sensible preacher will avoid the grotesque and the extremes of mere animal vivacity.

  • He stood silent,staring at me with a weird look in his otherwise so sensible eyes.
  • Had I not seen how she was visited by sound or sight not sensible to those around her?
  • Even a high dome,and the expansive interior of a cathedral,have a sensible effect on manners.
  • How to use as such?

    “Such”+ADJECTIVE+NOUN First of all,we can use “such” with “adjective+noun” to show extremes.

  • “Such”+JUDGEMENTAL NOUN We can use “such” with judgemental nouns for emphasis,especially in exclamations. Examples: Don’t be such a fool!
  • “Such”+NOUNS ( Such meaning is “This or That kind of…” ) In this case,“such” means “this kind/type of…”.
  • What is the definition of such as?

    Definition of such as it is. —used to say that something is not very good in quality or condition The meal, such as it was, was served quickly.Welcome to my humble home—such as it is.


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