How do you write a collection policy?

How do you write a collection policy?

Although the following procedure appears to go in linear steps, some of these steps may take place at the same time.

  1. Establish the procedure.
  2. Gather information.
  3. Discuss changes.
  4. Draft the policy.
  5. Present the policy to your governing body for approval.
  6. Review the policy.

What is a collections development policy?

‘Your collections development policy must include: the museum’s statement of purpose. an overview of current collections. themes and priorities for future collecting. themes and priorities for rationalisation and disposal.

What is a collections management policy?

A collections management policy is a set of policies that address various aspects of collections management. This policy defines the scope of a museum’s collection and how the museum cares for and makes collections available to the public.

What is collection plan?

A. (LRMA) is designed to serve as a guide for building a permanent collection that supports the mission of the Museum.

How do I write an archives policy?

The archives policy should include:

  1. An acquisition statement or policy.
  2. An access statement or policy.
  3. The scope and nature of your organisation’s archival activities.
  4. Roles and responsibilities of those who work with the archives.
  5. Disaster preparedness.
  6. Procedures and forms.

What is the difference between collection development and collection management?

Collection development (selecting for and building collections) Collection management (evaluating and making decisions about existing collections, including decisions about withdrawal, transfer, preservation)

What do you mean by collections How do you manage collections?

A collections management policy carefully examines the preventive conservation needs of the individual objects within the collection, in order to provide practices and standards for how to mitigate threats, as well as the proper procedures for addressing issues as they arise.

What is a museum collections plan?

Collections planning is the process of analyzing what objects we have and what we’re missing, articulating how these objects should serve the Museum’s mission and the community’s needs, and creating a philosophical framework and vision for collecting in the future.

Why is it important to have a collection development policy?

The main reason to write a collection development policy is to prevent the library from being driven by events or by individual enthusiasms and from purchasing a random set of resources, which may not support the mission of the library.

How to write a collection development policy for resources?

resources should also be made within an explicit collection development policy. This might be a separate policy or an integrated one. The first elements of a collection development policy will be a mission statement of the library, the purpose of this policy and the audience to whom it is addressed. It should also include brief

A collections management policy is a set of policies that address various aspects of collections management. This policy defines the scope of a museum’s collection and how the museum cares for and makes collections available to the public. A collections management policy also explains the roles of the

What is the Arts Council England Development Policy Framework?

This template from Arts Council England provides a development policy framework, which sets out the principles, standards and legislation for responsible and ethical acquisition (and disposal) of collections. Click the link on the right-hand side to download this resource as a Word doc file.

What are the changes in library collecting policies?

Due to technological developments, libraries are, in the main, moving from holdings (‘just in case’) to access (‘just in time’) strategies. This implies that collecting policies are significantly changing and that libraries need to disseminate widely information on their collecting policies.


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