How does GLM Ortho work?
How does GLM Ortho work?
glm::ortho Specifies a logical 2D coordinate system which is to be mapped into the window positions indicated. Often one matches the coordinates to match the size of the window being rendered to. In the template glm::ortho is used for 2D rendering of text.
What is a lookat matrix?
The lookat matrix is a matrix that positions / rotates something to point to (look at) a point in space, from another point in space.
What is glOrtho OpenGL?
glOrtho describes a transformation that produces a parallel projection. The current matrix (see glMatrixMode) is multiplied by this matrix and the result replaces the current matrix, as if glMultMatrix were called with the following matrix as its argument: OpenGL documentation (my bold)
What is GLM lookAt?
Understanding glm::lookAt() It provides the basis for your viewing vector space, in other words it defines all of the axes (X,Y,Z) of your coordinate system. You need three vectors in order to do this.
What is camera lookAt?
lookAt is a convenience shortcut for changing rotation of an object. So if you rotate an object before you call lookAt – it will basically be overwritten. If you rotate an object after lookAt – you will see the result of the rotation.
What is glVertex2f in OpenGL?
The function glVertex2f specifies the x and y coordinates of the vertex, and the z coordinate is set to zero. There is also a function glVertex3f that specifies all three coordinates. The “2” or “3” in the name tells how many parameters are passed to the function.
What is glutMainLoop in OpenGL?
glutMainLoop tells the program to enter the GLUT event processing loop. (This just means the program sits and waits for things to happen, such as window refreshes, window resizes, mouse clicks, key presses, etc.) glutMainLoop never exits, so it should always be the last line of the main program.
What is NDC OpenGL?
OpenGL expects all the vertices, that we want to become visible, to be in normalized device coordinates after each vertex shader run. What we usually do, is specify the coordinates in a range (or space) we determine ourselves and in the vertex shader transform these coordinates to normalized device coordinates (NDC).
What does GLM stand for?
Acronym | Definition |
GLM | General Linear Model (statistics) |
GLM | Generalized Linear Modeling |
GLM | Gilman (Amtrak station code; Gilman, IL) |
GLM | Geostationary Lightning Mapper |