How does Syntonic light therapy work?

How does Syntonic light therapy work?

Syntonic phototherapy uses specific light colors, frequencies and wavelengths to improve the body’s regulatory centers in the brain. When light enters the eye, it travels through the brain to the pineal gland and the hypothalamus— the areas of the brain responsible for chemical and hormone balance.

What are Syntonic glasses?

Syntonics is a form of light therapy used to treat vision problems. It has become very popular due to its success rates and the fact that it is a simple, non-invasive treatment option.

How do you use Syntonics?

Syntonics uses colored light produced by a small lamp. The typical treatment for syntonics requires a patient to sit in a darkened room and view a circle of colored light for 20 minutes over a span of 30 sessions. After viewing the light, the patient eventually experiences improved visual skills.

What is Syntonic therapy?

Syntonic phototherapy is the use of specific frequencies and wavelengths of light to improve balance in the body’s regulatory centers. Doctors have been using syntonic therapy for over 80 years to treat amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus (eye turn) and focusing/ convergence problems.

What are ego syntonic symptoms?

In psychoanalysis, egosyntonic refers to the behaviors, values, and feelings that are in harmony with or acceptable to the needs and goals of the ego, or consistent with one’s ideal self-image.

What is color therapy for the eyes?

Colour therapy, also called chromotherapy, is a method of treating ailments by using colours. The therapy is done by shining an appropriate colour on the particular area of the body. It is also done through eyes by looking at a particular colour.

Is convergence insufficiency common?

It also makes it hard to read and focus. Convergence insufficiency is most common in young adults, but it can affect people of all ages. Somewhere between 2 and 13 percent of adults and children in the United States have it.

What is the difference between ego syntonic and ego dystonic?

In psychoanalysis, egosyntonic refers to the behaviors, values, and feelings that are in harmony with or acceptable to the needs and goals of the ego, or consistent with one’s ideal self-image. Egodystonic (or ego alien) is the opposite, referring to thoughts and behaviors (dreams, compulsions, desires, etc.)

Is phototherapy same as tanning bed?

Unlike dermatologist-prescribed phototherapy, which is targeted to just areas with psoriasis, a tanning bed exposes your entire body to UV rays.

What is sysyntonics light therapy?

Syntonics: Colored Light Therapy for Balance. One possible remedy to help the afflicted through this difficult time is syntonics. Also known as optometric phototherapy, this branch of ocular science deals with the gentle and safe application of selected visible-light frequencies through the eyes.

What is a Syntonic therapy device?

According to Dr. Ray Gottlieb, dean of the College of Syntonic Optometry, the traditional syntonic therapy device, the syntonizer, uses a white-light source placed behind colored absorption filters focused by a frosted collimating lens.

How do I use the syntonac clear local-focal penlight with the syntonizer?

With the SYntonac Clear Local-Focal Penlight and SYntonac Filtered Goggles: Remove the insert on the back of the ”EASY” Syntonizer. Turn on the penlight. Place the Clear Local-Focal penlight in the therefore designed hole. Put on the selected SYntonac Filter Goggles.

What are syntonic filter goggles?

Syntonic Filter Goggles – Ideal for in-office and at home treatment regimens. These are based on Syntonic principles where the first filter in a combination of filters is closest to the eye. NEW! – Syntonizer ”EASY” – Ideal for in-office and at home treatment regimens.


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