How does the McCumber Cube help information security?

How does the McCumber Cube help information security?

McCumber Cube. The cube brings together desired goals (confidentiality, integrity, and availability), information states (storage, transmission, and processing), and safeguards (policies and practices, human factors, and technology).

What are the foundational principles for protecting information systems as outlined in the McCumber Cube?

The goals identified in the first dimension are the foundational principles. These three principles are confidentiality, integrity, and availability, commonly referred to as the CIA Triad. Confidentiality prevents the disclosure of information to unauthorized people, resources, or processes.

What are the 27 cells of the McCumber Cube?

To ensure system security, each of the 27 areas must be properly addressed during the security process (McCumber, 1991). The three-dimensional model’s factors are Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Policy, Education, Technology Storage, Processing, and Transmission.

What are the three dimensions of the McCumber Cube?

The three dimensions of the McCumber cube are stated as Information Characteristics, Information States, and Security Countermeasures. Information Characteristics are the three sides of the CIA triangle which are Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.

Which methods can be used to ensure confidentiality of information?

A good example of methods used to ensure confidentiality is an account number or routing number when banking online. Data encryption is a common method of ensuring confidentiality. User IDs and passwords constitute a standard procedure; two-factor authentication is becoming the norm.

What methods can be used to ensure confidentiality of information?

When managing data confidentiality, follow these guidelines:

  • Encrypt sensitive files.
  • Manage data access.
  • Physically secure devices and paper documents.
  • Securely dispose of data, devices, and paper records.
  • Manage data acquisition.
  • Manage data utilization.
  • Manage devices.

What are three types of sensitive information?

There are three main types of sensitive information:

  • Personal Information. Also called PII (personally identifiable information), personal information is any data that can be linked to a specific individual and used to facilitate identity theft.
  • Business Information.
  • Classified Information.

What are examples of confidential data?

Examples of confidential data include:

  • Social Security Numbers.
  • Credit Card Numbers.
  • Health Records.
  • Financial Records.
  • Student Records.

What are some examples of confidentiality in the workplace?

These should include, for example:

  • Ensuring that confidential information is always locked away at night, and not left unattended during the day;
  • Password-protecting sensitive computer files;
  • Marking confidential information clearly as such, and ensuring that paper copies are shredded before disposal; and.

What are some examples of confidentiality?

Here are some examples of confidential information:

  • Name, date of birth, age, sex, and address.
  • Current contact details of family.
  • Bank information.
  • Medical history or records.
  • Personal care issues.
  • Service records and file progress notes.
  • Personal goals.
  • Assessments or reports.

What is an example of sensitive information?

Sensitive business information is any data that would pose a risk to the company if released to a competitor or the general public. For example, information such as intellectual property, trade secrets, or plans for a merger could all be harmful to the business if it fell into a rival’s hands.

What is the McCumber Cube model of cybersecurity?

The McCumber Cube and CIA Triad This interactive lesson introduces the McCumber Cube model of cybersecurity programs. It includes the CIA Triad (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability), the foundational principles of information security.

What is the McCumber Cube used for?

The McCumber Cube In 1991, John McCumber created a model framework for establishing and evaluating information security (information assurance) programs, now known as The McCumber Cube. This security model is depicted as a three-dimensional Rubik’s Cube -like grid.

What is the McCumber model and why is it important?

The McCumber model helps one to remember to consider all important design aspects without becoming too focused on any one in particular (i.e., relying exclusively on technical controls at the expense of requisite policies and end-user training).

Can the McCumber methodology be applied to Napoleon?

The creator of the methodology, John McCumber, produces strong points of the technology independence of the approach by showing that it can be appropriately applied to Napolean and his field generals, an information system environment completely void of modern technology.


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