How long does a sliced finger take to heal?

How long does a sliced finger take to heal?

Most minor finger cuts heal within 2–4 weeks. Deeper cuts or those requiring medical attention or surgery will take longer to heal. During the recovery process, people should be aware of signs that the wound is not healing correctly.

Do I need stitches for a razor cut?

Your wound may need stitches or other medical treatment if it meets any of the following criteria: The cut is deeper than a quarter of an inch. The cut was made by a dirty or rusty object and/or there is a risk of infection. Fat, muscle, bone, or other deep body structures are visible due to the wound.

How do you heal a deep cut on your finger without stitches?

For smaller lacerations that do not require stitches, use an antiseptic ointment and an adhesive bandage (such as a butterfly closure bandage). This will help to keep the wound clean and help prevent infection and scarring.

Can you get sick from a finger cut?

Causes and risk factors. Share on Pinterest A puncture wound on the end of the finger may lead to a felon infection. Infections around the body are most commonly caused by bacteria that infect the finger due to an injury, such as a cut on the finger.

When should I be concerned about a cut finger?

A cut finger injury is a medical emergency if: The cut reveals deep layers of skin, subcutaneous fat, or bone. The edges of the cut can’t be gently squeezed together because of swelling or the size of the wound. The cut is across a joint, having possibly injured ligaments, tendons, or nerves.

How bad does it hurt to get a finger cut-off?

Your fingertips have many nerves and are very sensitive, so the injury may be very painful. Recovery can take several weeks. Your finger may be sensitive to cold and painful for a year or more. You probably will have a splint to protect your finger as it heals.

Can a deep cut heal itself?

Once you’re sure the cut is clean and the bleeding has stopped, wrap a dressing around it and make sure it’s secure. For more information about cleaning cuts and grazes, see How do I clean a wound? The cut should heal by itself within a few days.

Do I need stitches if it stops bleeding?

If you have added extra bandages to the wound, you are doing the right thing. Add gauze, don’t change it. But if it keeps bleeding through each new one, you might need stitches. If direct pressure won’t stop the bleeding, get help.

How do you make a cut on your finger heal faster?

Apply pressure to the cut using a clean washcloth or gauze. Maintain pressure for one to two minutes or until the bleeding stops. Apply petroleum jelly. This will help keep the wound moist for faster healing.

Can a wound heal without stitches?

Cuts that don’t involve fat or muscle tissue (superficial), are not bleeding heavily, are less than 1/2 inch long and not wide open or gaping, and don’t involve the face can usually be managed at home without stitches.

How do I stop my finger from throbbing and hurting?


  1. rest your finger when you can.
  2. put an ice pack (or a bag of frozen peas) in a towel and place it on your finger for up to 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours.
  3. take paracetamol to ease the pain.
  4. stop or cut down activities that are causing the pain – for example, typing, using vibrating tools for work, or playing an instrument.

What to do when you’ve sliced your finger?

Introduction: What to Do When You’ve Sliced Your Finger. You have attempted to cut the tip of your finger off with a very sharp blade. Do not cry. In this first step you’ll want to wrap your finger and hold it above you’re head like you’ve been taught to do.

What causes a cut on the tip of the finger?

The cut is caused by dirty blade and other sharp objects, as it may develop tetanus. Lose mobility or experience numbness of the finger, which is an indication of serious infection.

How do you stop a cut on your finger from bleeding?

Stop the bleeding by applying pressure on the wound. Bleeding might be scary, but this is a normal phase in wound healing. If you cut deep on the fleshy part of the finger and end up with a flap, apply an antibiotic ointment and join the parted skin using butterfly bandage once the bleeding stops.

Should I go to the ER for a cut on my finger?

If you are not sure what the cut has done to your finger, or some signs of infections are found, immediately take yourself to the ER. If the wound—despite the deep cut —seems not to severely damaged, you might want to follow some steps of healing it faster at home: Clean the wound with soap and tap water. You can also rinse it with saline solution.


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