How long does it take to recover from macular pucker surgery?

How long does it take to recover from macular pucker surgery?

In most cases, while vision improves after macular pucker surgery, it generally does not return to normal. It can take up to three months for vision to fully recover. On average, about half of the vision lost from a macular pucker is restored; some people have significantly more vision restored, some less.

Can you drive after macular pucker surgery?

We advise you not to drive for two weeks after the procedure. If gas has been injected in your eye to support the retina, you will not be able to drive for about six to eight weeks. This is because of the effects the gas may have on your eye during that time.

Can a wrinkled Retina be repaired?

In most cases, surgery for macular pucker can improve vision, but does not bring it back to normal. Most people are able to regain about half of the vision they lost from a macular pucker. Some people have much more vision restored, some less. In most cases, surgery can help with vision distortion.

How long does retinal surgery take to heal?

You will need 2 to 4 weeks to recover before returning to your normal activities. This care sheet gives you a general idea about how long it will take for you to recover. But each person recovers at a different pace. Follow the steps below to get better as quickly as possible.

Can you go blind from macular pucker?

Vision loss from a macular pucker can vary from no loss to severe loss, although severe vision loss is uncommon. People with a macular pucker may notice that their vision is blurry or mildly distorted, and straight lines can appear wavy.

Do you have to keep your head down after macular pucker surgery?

After the retina has been treated, the space in your eye is refilled with a gas bubble or silicone oil to help the retina reattach or the hole to close. Keeping your head in this face down position allows the bubble or oil to remain in the correct position so it heals as quickly and effectively as possible.

Is macular pucker surgery painful?

What Does Macular Pucker Surgery Recovery Involve? While some surface irritation is normal, the operated eye should not be overly painful after the surgery.

Can macular pucker get worse?

Can macular pucker get worse? For most people, vision remains stable and does not get progressively worse. Usually macular pucker affects one eye, although it may affect the other eye later.


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