How long does jaw pain last after tonsillectomy?

How long does jaw pain last after tonsillectomy?

After surgery, you’ll have a sore throat for several days afterward. Earache, neck and jaw pain can also occur. The soreness can get worse before it gradually decreases over 10 days.

What days are the hardest after tonsillectomy?

Anecdotal evidence from several ENT departments suggests that pain following tonsillectomy is worst on the second and/or third days after surgery.

Can I drink alcohol 10 days after tonsillectomy?

Alcohol and tobacco should be strictly avoided for at least two weeks. Most patients will lose weight during the first two weeks. Children will usually rebound quite quickly once they feel better.

Is it normal for your jaw to hurt after a tonsillectomy?

Throat pain is greater the first few days following surgery and may last up to 14 days. Ear pain, especially with swallowing, is also a common occurrence. It is not an ear infection, but due to referred pain from the surgery. Occasionally, a stiff neck and jaw pain may also occur.

How do you know when tonsillectomy is healed?

When the area is healed completely in about 3 to 4 weeks, the discoloration will be gone. You should plan on resting at home for at least a week after the tonsillectomy, and limit activity for 2 weeks. There is a risk of bleeding after a tonsillectomy. The risk decreases after 10 days.

Can you gargle salt water after tonsillectomy?

You may gargle with a mild salt water solution to improve the bad breath (1/2 teaspoon table salt to 8 oz. of warm tap water). You may also chew gum. Most patients breathe through the mouth and snore during the recovery period due to swelling.

When should you go to the ER after a tonsillectomy?

If you see blood clots, more than a few streaks of bright red blood in their vomit or saliva, or your child is vomiting blood, call 911 or go to the ER immediately. Other reasons to visit the ER for children include: inability to keep liquids down for several hours. trouble breathing.

How long after a tonsillectomy can you eat normally?

Do not worry about nutrition or calories during the first 2 weeks. Solid foods are not as important to take as are liquids but if you feel up to it you can begin a soft diet immediately after surgery. Stay away from foods which are sour, salty, sharp or hot since this may cause pain and discomfort.

How long after tonsillectomy can you talk?

At first, your voice may sound different. Your voice probably will get back to normal in 2 to 6 weeks.

When will my uvula shrink after tonsillectomy?

The tonsil area completely heals in 2 to 3 weeks in most instances. The uvula, the finger-like tissue that hangs down from the soft palate in the back of the throat, will usually become swollen on the first day or two after surgery.

How can I numb my throat after tonsillectomy?

Further measures to decrease throat discomfort are numbing throat spray of Cepacol Dual Action and Chloroseptic, drinking plenty of cool/cold beverages, especially water, cool compresses to the neck, ice chips or the use of chewing gum.

How do you know when tonsillectomy scabs are falling off?

Between days 5 and 10 after surgery, the tonsillectomy scabs will fall off. This may cause a small amount of bleeding, and some people will notice specks of blood in their saliva. Blood may cause people some concern, but it is a normal part of healing.

What happens after a tonsillectomy?

Day 7: Another thing many people complain after a week about tonsillectomy is the taste. Yeah, many people do complain that they were unable to recognize tastes properly and everything they eat seems tasteless. Although I personally don’t know the reason behind this, it is pretty much common and goes away within a few days.

How long does it take for tonsillectomy scabs to heal?

Tonsillectomy Recovery Adults Day by Day Timeline: The scabs which are raw and bloody, right from day 1, will now slowly start to develop a new skin. This is what can be considered a clear sign of healing. Day 11-12: If you ask a person the most painful days of his/her tonsillectomy recovery, it would be these days.

How do I reduce swelling after tonsil surgery?

Finally, ask your doctor about a steroid to reduce swelling. One of the first things you’ll fight with after tonsil surgery is a swollen uvula. Swallowing can be almost impossible with that inflamed thing swelling up like a punching bag. Begin icing the throat area immediately.

What kind of Medicine do they give you after a tonsillectomy?

Post Op: Tonsillectomy Medicines. You’ll probably have two medicines prescribed when you leave the hospital; a pain killer like percocet or hydrocodone, and an antibiotic like penicillin. You may also want to ask for a stool softener. The narcotic pain killers can have a profound constipating effect.


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