How many doctors are there in Cameroon?

How many doctors are there in Cameroon?

Cameroon is one of the African nations experiencing a crisis in human resources for health. There are approximately 1.1 physicians and 7.8 nurses and midwives per 10,000 population (WHO AHWO Cameroon Fact Sheet, 2010).

What position is the healthcare system of Cameroon?

Table 1

Occupation regions General public health personnel Nurses
West 1.72 0.97
South 1.36 0.80
South West 1.69 0.87
Total 1.29 0.67

What is the healthcare like in Cameroon?

The overall healthcare system of Cameroon is bleak, with an average of two doctors for every 10,000 people. Several people even rely on nurses and other less qualified medical personnel to access health services. Hence, the expat population generally prefer facilities in private hospitals.

Which country has the best doctor?

Top 10 Countries with the Best Doctors in the World

  1. United States. The US takes the crown on our list of the top 10 countries with the best doctors in the world.
  2. United Kingdom.
  3. Germany.
  4. France.
  5. Switzerland.
  6. Canada.
  7. Italy.
  8. Australia.

How many general hospitals are in Cameroon?

Overall, the Cameroon health system is made up of four general hospi- tals, four central hospitals, 11 regional hospitals, 164 district hospitals, 155 area medical centres, and 1,888 health centres in the public sector, out of which 1,600 are operational.

How many district hospitals are in Cameroon?

27 district hospitals
There are 27 district hospitals, one Central Hospital and University (CHU), and one regional hospital in the Centre Region.

How many hospitals are there in Cameroon?

There are 27 district hospitals, one Central Hospital and University (CHU), and one regional hospital in the Centre Region. The Central Hospital of Yaoundé, founded in 1933, is the largest hospital in Cameroon with 650 beds.

How many health districts are there in Cameroon?

189 health districts
Cameroon is a lower middle-income country with around 23 million inhabitants, half of whom live in urban areas. This bilingual (English–French) country in Central Africa is made of 10 administrative regions divided into 189 health districts.

What are the major health problems in Cameroon?

HIV/AIDS is one of Cameroon’s gravest health concerns. It is particularly widespread among young women. Malaria is prevalent in many areas; respiratory and pulmonary diseases and dysentery also occur in some areas. There are incidences of leprosy and schistosomiasis as well as syphilis and sleeping sickness.

Which country has best doctor to patient ratio?

The following is the list of top 10 countries based on the number of physicians per 10,000 residents:

  • San Marino.
  • Sweden.
  • Austria.
  • Georgia.
  • Uruguay.
  • Norway. Physicians per 10,000 People: 46.3 (2017)
  • Greece. Physicians per 10,000 People: 45.9 (2016)
  • Denmark. Physicians per 10,000 People: 44.6 (2016)


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