How many employees are in NOAA?

How many employees are in NOAA?

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Agency overview
Employees 321 NOAA Commissioned Corps (2018) 12,000 civilian employees (2021)
Annual budget US$6.9 billion (est. 2022)
Agency executive Rick Spinrad, NOAA Administrator and Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere

Does NOAA have enlisted ranks?

Ranks. NOAA Corps ranks mirror U.S. Navy ranks, as do the abbreviations for each of those ranks. The NOAA Corps does not have enlisted personnel. Please note that Vice Admiral is the highest rank attainable in the NOAA Corps.

Is NOAA an independent agency?

NOAA is a federal agency focused on the condition of the oceans and the atmosphere. It plays several distinct roles within the Department of Commerce: Supplier of Environmental Information Products.

How many employees does NOAA Fisheries have?

From marine biologists to engineers and policymakers to educators, NOAA Fisheries employs people in a wide range of fields. Our 4,200 employees support stewardship of the nation’s ocean resources and habitat. Zuzy conducted research off the coast of Antarctica during graduate school.

Who is the science and research director at NOAA?

Dr. Hare became Science and Research Director in October of 2016. Before that, he held various positions with NOAA Fisheries for more than two decades, winning multiple awards for his leadership and administrative capabilities, as well as for his research.

Where is the Woods Hole National Laboratory?

The Woods Hole facility occupies 3.4 acres on Vineyard Sound on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The Laboratory hosts a public and research aquarium that is open to visitors year-round.

How many students get paid summer internships with NOAA?

More than 100 undergraduate students receive tuition support and paid summer internships with NOAA across the country each year. The NOAA Educational Partnership Program with Minority Serving Institutions is a federal STEM education and future workforce program for NOAA and NOAA mission-related enterprises.


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