How many lumens does a 1000 watt metal halide put out?

How many lumens does a 1000 watt metal halide put out?

So how many lumens do metal halide produce? For each MH the lumen efficiency is almost 60 to 110 watts. So, a 1000 watt metal halide bulb can produce 50,000 lumens to 100,000 lumens. Similarly, a 400 watt bulb of metal halide produces almost 24,000 lumens to 44,000 lumens.

What is 1000 watt LED equivalent to?

1000w LED fixtures generally have an output equal to 900 watts of HPS light, despite what many manufacturers claim.

What is the LED equivalent of a 1500 watt metal halide?

450-600 watt
1500 watt metal halide sports lights can be replaced with 450-600 watt LED’s because wattage is a measurement of how much power is needed to run a light, not how much light it gives off.

How much does it cost to run a 1000 watt metal halide light?

Grow Light Operating Cost

1000 watt Sodium 1000 watt Halide
Ballast Wattage 1100 1080
Cost per Month $52.80 $51.84
Initial Lumens 130000 110000
Mean Lumens 126000 88000

How much power does a 1000w LED grow light use?

You need to divide your wattage by 1,000 (1,000 kilowats in 1 watt). So, if we were to run a 1000 watt grow light 18 hours a day with the kWh rate we gave earlier, our formula would be: 1 x $0.1559 x 18 x 30 = $84.186/month.

How many watts does a 1000 watt metal halide use?

The system watts for a 400 watt metal halide is about 458 watts depending on the ballast….What is the difference between lamp watts and system watts?

Metal Halide (MH) High Pressure Sodium (HPS) System Watts (approximate)
400w MH 461 watts
1000w MH 1080 watts
250w HPS 295 watts
400w HPS 460 watts


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