How many Porutham is enough for marriage in Tamil?

How many Porutham is enough for marriage in Tamil?

ten poruthams
Porutham – Marriage Compatibility & Importance of 10 Porutham. While considering a marriage alliance, the Hindu custom does not allow the tying of the knot until the ten poruthams are studied by matching the horoscopes of the couple who desires to be joined in matrimony.

Can we marry without Mahendra Porutham?

It is believed that mahendram porutham suffices in the absence of dinam and rasiyathipaty poruthams. If the boy’s birth star is in the positions 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 19th, 22nd and 25th from that of the girl’s birth star the mahendram porutham is considered as compatible (uttamam of good).

Can we marry without Nakshatra Porutham?

For marriage alliance, the Hindus practice ‘star matching’ or ‘nakshatra porutham’. It is an essential pre-requisite for a marriage alliance where nakshatra and rasi porutham of both the boy and the girl who plan to get married is checked.

What are the 10 Porutham for marriage?

The 10 poruthams (kootas) thus chalked out are: dinam, ganam, yoni, rasi, rasiyathipaty, rajju, vedha, vasya, mahendram and stree deergham.

Is Rasi Athipathi Porutham important?

The importance of Rashi Adhipathi Porutham Rasiyathipaty is the fifth porutham. It refers to the birth stars of both the girl and the boy with their lords who should be in friendship with each other for a compatible marriage.

Is Papasamyam important for marriage in Tamil?

Papa samyam is very very important. No sort of pariharams as many believe can mitigate the malefic effects of a chart. Lastly , if nakshtra porutham and jathaka porutham is good, then you have to check for any dasa sandhi in your charts.

What is Vasya Porutham?

VASYA PORUTHAM. Vasya porutham means the Compatibility between the zodiac signs with respect to their mutual enchantment. This Porutham helps to enhance the love and affection between the couple. Vasya Porutham gains more prominence in the absense of other poruthams like Rasi Porutham and Gana Porutham.

What happens if a Manglik boy marries a non Manglik girl?

If a chart promises good longetivity, even if a manglik marries a non-Manglik, no harm is caused. Next, bed relations and promise of child birth should be analysed. Children act as catalyst for most marriages to survive.

What is Rasi Porutham?

Rasi Porutham is well known to represent compatibility of the birth stars or the zodiac signs of the couple. Prosperous life is said to belong to those whose Rasi porutham is found compatible. The position of the moon at the time of birth is the determinant of the rasi (zodiac sign) of that individual.

Which Porutham is important for long life?

Rajju Porutham gives valuable information about the longevity of both life partners. A good match in Rajju Porutham is said to give long life to both partners. Therefore, Rajju Porutham is one of the most important Porutham. A group of astrologers also says that Rajju Porutham is all about husbands longevity.

How do I know my marriage is compatible?

To start working on the marriage compatibility, first get to know the destiny number of the individual. The destiny number is calculated by adding up all the numbers in the date of birth of the individual. For example, if the date of birth of a person is 12-12-1990, then the destiny number is 1+2+1+2+1+9+9+0 = 25.

What is Kana Porutham?

Gana porutham takes into account the matching of the nature of both the boy and the girl to assure compatibility of mind, body and sensuality after marriage. Gana porutham is differentiated into three types. These are the Deva Ganam, Manushya Ganam and Rakshasa Ganam, each of them represented by nine stars.


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