How much does it cost to refinish alloy wheels?

How much does it cost to refinish alloy wheels?

You can hire a professional to repair or refinish your wheel, which will cost anywhere from $75 to $150, depending on your market. (More on that here.) You can do a DIY refinish or repair (more info on that below) for about $50 in supplies and a few hours of your time.

Is it worth refurbishing alloy wheels?

We’re often asked the question, “is it worth getting my alloys refurbed?” and in short, our answer will always be yes. Whether it’s down to damage or you’re trying to increase or retain the value of your car, we’d always recommend getting your alloys repaired or refurbed sooner rather than later.

How long does it take to refurbish 4 alloy wheels?

4 alloy wheels can be fully refurbished in 2-4 hours from off to back on. It all depends on the condition of the alloy wheels, the finish you want and also the time of year.

How long does it take to refurbish an alloy wheel?

1-2 hours
Typical refurbishment times Alloy wheel repair can be as quick as 1-2 hours. The time a job will take may depend on the extent of alloy wheel damage, the size of the wheel and the exact process you use.

Can you sand down alloy wheels?

Sand down the damaged area to remove any protruding areas. No part of the alloy should be sticking up. Using a finer sandpaper, sand over the area again to smooth it out. Wipe away the dust with a damp cloth, and allow to dry.

Do Kerbed alloys matter?

Scratching your alloy wheels on the kerb shouldn’t affect the driving of your car. However, it can make your vehicle look old and unloved. We know how much you love your car, so it’s best to get any alloy scuffs repaired by a professional.

How long do painted alloys last?

The quality of the finish however does depend on the condition of the wheels (see our Terms & Conditions), though we do guarantee to improve your wheels and of course the finish is guaranteed for 12 months.

Do painted alloy wheels last?

If the surface to be painted is correctly prepared and the proper paint is used, the life of the finish can be indefinite. So, in short, if you have your wheels painted by a truly skilled and expert wheel finish pro, your paint finish should basically last forever (wheel-based altercations aside).

Are Kerbed alloys bad?


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