How much does wisdom tooth removal cost Singapore?

How much does wisdom tooth removal cost Singapore?

The cost of surgically removing a wisdom tooth in Singapore generally ranges between $950 – $1,250 depending on the complexity of the surgery and the experience of the dental practitioner removing the wisdom tooth.

How much do wisdom teeth cost to get pulled?

Removing wisdom teeth can cost you somewhere between $75 – $250 per tooth. The impacted wisdom tooth will cost between $200 – $600. Extracting all four wisdom teeth together will cost you around $600 – $1100. Removing just one wisdom tooth, including general anesthesia, will cost you about $600 – $1100.

Can Polyclinic extract wisdom tooth?

Polyclinics generally charge $25 to $40 per tooth for simple wisdom tooth extractions, excluding the consultation fees. It may take from weeks to months to secure an appointment depending on the location. They also refer complex extractions or wisdom tooth surgery to hospitals.

Why is wisdom tooth extraction so expensive?

It is relatively more costly because it is more extensive. In this context, your wisdom tooth is still in the jaw bone. And for your surgeon to access the tooth, they will need to remove some pieces of your jaw, to extract the tooth.

Why is dentist so expensive in Singapore?

Dental care can be costly in Singapore. Barring major operations like a root canal, most of it has to be paid out of pocket, not through insurance or Medisave.

Can’t afford to get wisdom teeth out?

If you can’t afford to have a wisdom tooth extracted, consider these options:

  1. You might be able to find a free dental clinic that takes emergency appointments for people who don’t have dental insurance or who have little money.
  2. Some dental offices offer payment plans or a dental savings plan that offers discounted fees.

Is wisdom tooth extraction painful?

You shouldn’t feel any pain as your wisdom teeth are removed because the area will be numb. However, if you do feel pain during the procedure, tell your dentist or oral surgeon so they can give you more anaesthetic. How long it takes to remove the tooth will vary.

Does wisdom teeth removal hurt?

So, wisdom tooth removal does it hurt? During the procedure, you should feel no pain and barely any (if at all) discomfort. After the procedure, the extraction site may feel a little tender for several days but with a little rest and recuperation, you should be back to normal within 7 days.

Is dental work cheap in Singapore?

When it comes to getting dental implants in Singapore it’s well documented that this happens to be is one of the most expensive places to live in the world. Typically, these prices will be reserved for mini dental implants and are inexpensive because they are meant for simple dental implant surgery cases.

How can I save money getting my wisdom teeth out?

Payment Plans A payment plan is another way to save money on wisdom teeth removal if you do not have insurance. Some oral surgeons and general dentists may allow you to pay off a portion of the surgery over a few months. You would pay your dentist or surgeon directly instead of using insurance.

Can I pull my own wisdom tooth?

A common misconception is that it may be necessary to “break the jaw” to remove difficult wisdom teeth. However, this is never the case. Can You Remove Your Own Wisdom Tooth? Removal of Wisdom teeth should always be performed by a dentist or oral surgeon.

How much does wisdom teeth removal cost in Singapore?

Wisdom tooth surgery – $1,500. Find the detailed cost breakdown of wisdom tooth extractions and surgery in Singapore here! In general, wisdom tooth operations are also claimable by Medisave in Singapore. On average, you may claim up to $1,250 of the total bill for your wisdom tooth operation.

How much can I claim for wisdom teeth removal?

You may claim up to $350 per tooth for wisdom tooth extraction. And up to $1,250 per tooth for wisdom tooth surgery (surgically removed). Most dental clinics are attuned to processing your Medisave claims for you. Just let them know and they will help you submit the paper work necessary.

Is a wisdom tooth extraction painful?

This depends on the state of your wisdom teeth. A wisdom tooth extraction is mostly used to remove upper wisdom teeth that are visible but not impacted. During this procedure, local anaesthetic will be administered so that you will not feel any pain. Thereafter, the dentist will loosen the tooth and remove it.

How much does it cost to get a tooth pulled?

A simple extraction will cost you $192.60 – $267.50 per tooth (includes GST). You will not be allowed to use your MediSave for this procedure. Wisdom tooth surgery will cost between $695.50 – $1,658.50 per tooth (includes GST).


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