How much is a bodyguard in South Africa?

How much is a bodyguard in South Africa?

In 2014, the Sunday Tribune reported that one private security guard sometimes cost at least R220,000 a month and cost the city R3. 2 million a month in total. “Each bodyguard costs R71,000 a month, a rented car R22 000, and a driver R35,000,” the paper reported.

How do I become a bodyguard in South Africa?

Employers usually require job applicants to complete bodyguard training before they are hired in a security role. The South African Police offer training and there are also private companies where you can enrol for courses.

How much does a bodyguard earn?

The average pay for a Bodyguard is INR 217,919 a year and INR 105 an hour in India. The average salary range for a Bodyguard is between INR 170,636 and INR 262,482.

How much is it to rent a bodyguard?

How much does a bodyguard cost? The national average cost for bodyguard protection is $20 to 30 per hour. However, a bodyguard can cost anywhere from $75 per hour for one guard at a one-day private event to $150 per hour for executive protection that may require bodyguards on-site 24/7.

How many hours does a bodyguard work?

Most bodyguards work in teams and do 6 or 8-hour shifts, but others may have longer, irregular hours. They must be prepared to accommodate the client at all times. This includes traveling to all parts of the world. Being a bodyguard is a serious commitment.

What skills do bodyguards need?

Other skills that the most successful bodyguards have in common include:

  • Excellent judgment.
  • Common sense.
  • The ability to work alone and with a team.
  • Physical health.
  • Sound decision making.
  • Physical combat and defense skills.
  • Firearms training.
  • Evasive driving training.

Can you hire bodyguards?

Bodyguards for hire. Hiring a Bodyguard is not as difficult as you might think, all professional companies will work with you to provide a service that fits into your lifestyle with the minimum amount of disruption to your family and work life.

How much is a full time bodyguard?

The national average cost for bodyguard protection is $20 to 30 per hour. However, a bodyguard can cost anywhere from $75 per hour for one guard at a one-day private event to $150 per hour for executive protection that may require bodyguards on-site 24/7.

How do I become a bodyguard?

How to become a bodyguard in California

  1. Get the California Guard Card.
  2. Get the California Security Exposed Firearms Permit.
  3. Get the Certification in First Aid and CPR.
  4. Unarmed Fighting Skills.
  5. Get the Guard Permit for OC Pepper Spray.
  6. Tactical Firearms Training.
  7. Concealed Firearms Permit.


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