How much is the train from Zermatt to Gornergrat?

How much is the train from Zermatt to Gornergrat?

Zermatt to Gornergrat by train

Journey time From 33m
Price From €33.28
Distance 3 miles (5 km)
Frequency 23 trains per day
First train 08:00

Is Gornergrat included in Swiss Travel Pass?

50% discount with a Half-Fare Ticket, General Season Ticket, Swiss Travel Pass and others. With the following travel tickets you can benefit from a 50% discount on the Gornergrat Railway: Swiss Half-fare Card. Swiss Travel Pass, Swiss Travel Pass Flex Combi, Swiss Travel Pass Youth and Youth Flex.

How long is the Gornergrat train ride?

33 minutes
Europe’s highest open-air cog railway brings passengers direct from Zermatt station (1,620 m) to the summit of the Gornergrat, 365 days a year. The ride takes 33 minutes and requires a vertical climb of 1,469 m.

How much is the Gornergrat?

Standard: Adults: CHF 98.50 / with reduction: CHF 49.50. Riffelberg Express: Adults: CHF 95.00 / with reduction: CHF 47.50.

How do I get to the Gornergrat?

The Gornergrat can be reached by cogwheel train from Zermatt. Zermatt can be reached by train only. If you plan to travel by car, you can park in Täsch and take the train to Zermatt from there.

How much does it cost to go on the Matterhorn Express?

How Much Does It Cost to Visit Matterhorn Glacier Paradise? Round trip tickets start at CHF 90.50 per person. This price will be higher during the peak summer months. This price includes the cable car ride and entrance into Matterhorn Glacier Paradise.

Is Zermatt included in Swiss Pass?

Access to Zermatt’s excellent museum is also free for holders of the Swiss Travel Pass. However, if you’re planning to come to Zermatt for a short trip, or for our many non-ski activities, then these discounts represent an extra bonus from the Swiss Travel Pass.

Where does the Gornergrat train leave from?

As the train travels upwards from Zermatt to the Gornergrat summit it covers an altitude difference of 1,484 metres and stops at several stations on the way. Passengers are free to board or leave the train at these stations, to enjoy this mountain and its nature for hiking, snowshoe tours or winter hiking.

How do you get to Gornergrat Bahn?

How do I get up to the Gornergrat? You can reach the Gornergrat from Zermatt with a 33-minute cogwheel train ride. The valley station is directly opposite Zermatt railway station. When activating priority boarding, after adding the ticket to the cart, you will be forwarded to book a priority boarding ticket.

How do I get to riffelalp from Zermatt?

Riffelalp can be reached by cog trains that leave Zermatt for the Gornergrat. The cog train departs across the main railway station. Zermatt is car free and can only be reached by train. Drivers can park next to the rail station in nearby Täsch.

Is Zermatt worth visiting?

Zermatt is an excellent destination, but the slopes of Matterhorn is what makes it so unique. All year round the slopes of Matterhorn present the magnificent beauty of the landscape and nature. You can enjoy skiing, snowboarding during the winter or hiking during the summer.


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