How old is Frankie Fosters?

How old is Frankie Fosters?

Frankie Foster (voiced by Grey DeLisle) is Madame Foster’s 22-year-old redheaded granddaughter, addressed as “Miss Frances” by Mr. Herriman.

What happened to Wilts arm?

Wilt was ready to defend, but Jordan was right under Larry when he jumped. Wilt, setting aside the victory, rushed in and pushed Jordan out of the way just as Larry came down, saving Jordan’s life, but crushing Wilt’s left arm, leaving it crooked.

What happened to wilt in Foster’s home?

They were both unbeatable in the neighborhood, until a mean kid and his imaginary friend beat them mercifuless. Because of that one game, Wilt lost his arm and got a damaged eye. Wilt later ran away, until he found Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends, where they took him in to find a place to live.

How old is Bloo from Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends?

It is revealed that Bloo is Mac’s 5-year-old son.

Is Frankie Madame Foster?

Madame Foster runs the home with the help of her imaginary friend, Mr. Herriman, and her 22-year-old granddaughter, Frankie. If you look closely at the picture above, you’ll notice that Frankie’s clothing is the younger version of Madame Foster’s.

Who imagined Coco?

Coco is the only Imaginary Friend to be discovered by humans. While her creator is unknown, she was created by a little girl on a deserted island. Coco’s golden trading card statistics in Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends for the Leapster are: Is good at potato sack races.

What team did Wilt play for?

He went to the NBA in 1959, playing with the Philadelphia Warriors (1959–65; the team moved and became the San Francisco Warriors in 1962), going back to Philadelphia to play for the 76ers (1965–68), and finishing his career with the Los Angeles Lakers (1968–73).

Who wilts creator?

Jordan Michaels
Jordan Michaels, who is revealed to be Wilt’s creator, was not angry at Wilt, especially after he was told that Wilt had saved his life.

What is Bloo’s middle name?

Blooregard Q
Blooregard Q. “Bloo” Kazoo is an Imaginary Friend created by Mac in Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends. He was voiced by Keith Ferguson. Mac created Bloo when he was 3 years old, meaning that, by the start of the series, they had been creator and creation for five years.

Are Mac and Frankie related?

Frankie sees Mac as a little brother. They also have a brother-sister relationship despite that Mac has an intense crush on her. Mac is usually one of the only characters that Frankie trusts the most because of his sensible and mature personality and that he’s the smartest of the group too.

What is Coco from foster home?

Coco is a bird-like imaginary with a coconut tree-like head with a red beak. She has a blue aeroplane-shaped body, and has two orange slim legs with human-like feet.


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