How rare is O negative CMV negative blood?

How rare is O negative CMV negative blood?

It takes a rare blood type from a special group of donors to save an infant: It often is type O-negative and cytomegalovirus-negative. O-negative is the blood type that can be transfused to patients of all blood types, yet makes up only 7% of the population.

What is O neg CMV?

What Does CMV Negative Mean? Thus, if you ever had CMV, it’s likely you are “positive” for the antibodies; if you never had CMV, you are considered “CMV negative” and haven’t produced antibodies against the virus. CMV is so common that up to 85% of us will be “CMV positive” by age 40.

What percentage of the population is CMV negative?

15 percent
Only 15 percent of adults are CMV negative. Unlike blood donation, there is no minimum age for those in need of lifesaving blood.

Can you donate blood with CMV?

As with other viruses, once someone has had CMV, their body retains the antibodies. CMV is generally harmless to adults, but can be fatal to babies. For this reason, babies needing transfusions as part of their medical care should only receive blood from donors who have not been exposed to CMV (CMV negative).

What’s the golden blood type?

The golden blood type or Rh null blood group contains no Rh antigens (proteins) on the red blood cell (RBC). This is the rarest blood group in the world, with less than 50 individuals having this blood group.


CMV can be sexually transmitted. It can also be transmitted via breast milk, transplanted organs and, rarely, blood transfusions. Although the virus is not highly contagious, it has been shown to spread in households and among young children in day care centers.

Is CMV positive bad?

The majority of children born who experience a CMV infection before birth are healthy and normal. However, 10 to 15% may have complications such as hearing loss, neurological abnormalities, or decreased motor skills. Infants who are infected with CMV after they are born rarely experience any long-term complications.

How do you contract CMV?

CMV is spread from an infected person in the following ways:

  1. From direct contact with saliva or urine, especially from babies and young children.
  2. Through sexual contact.
  3. From breast milk to nursing infants.
  4. Through transplanted organs and blood transfusions.

Is CMV related to Covid 19?

It is interesting to note that CMV has been associated with several diseases that increase risk for severe COVID-19, as well as with thrombotic events [16,17,18], which are main complications of COVID-19 disease.

What does it mean if you are CMV negative?

“CMV negative” means you have never been infected with cytomegalovirus. For most people with healthy immune systems, infection with CMV or not is usually of little consequence, but people with damaged or immature (like newborns) immune systems are susceptible to life-threatening CMV infection.

Is O positive compatible with O Negative?

At one time, type O negative blood was considered the universal blood donor type. This implied that anyone — regardless of blood type — could receive type O negative blood without risking a transfusion reaction. But it’s now known that even type O negative blood may have antibodies that cause serious reactions during a transfusion.

Can O positive give to O Negative?

It is also important to remember that while donors of all blood types can receive O Negative blood, those with O Negative blood can generally only receive O Negative blood. In extreme emergencies when O Negative is in short supply, sometimes O Positive can be substituted.

Is O Negative a rare blood type?

However, O negative blood type is relatively rare compared to the other blood types. It is only present in 1 out of 15 individuals. This means approximately 6.6% of the population has O negative blood. However, not all of the ethnic groups share the same proportions of O negative blood types.


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