How to convert month number to month name java?

How to convert month number to month name java?

Code :-

  1. import java. util. *;
  2. public class NumToMonth.
  3. {
  4. public static void main (String[] args) {
  5. Scanner sc=new Scanner(System. in);
  6. int n=sc. nextInt();
  7. String mon[]={“January”, “February”, “March”,”April”, “May”, “June”, “July”, “August”, “September”, “October”, “November”, “December”};
  8. if(n>12||n<1)

How to print month name in java?

// displaying month in MMMM format SimpleDateFormat simpleformat = new SimpleDateFormat(“MMMM”); String strMonth= simpleformat. format(new Date()); System. out. println(“Month in MMMM format = “+strMonth);

How to convert month to String java?

DateFormatSymbols; monthString = new DateFormatSymbols(). getMonths()[month-1]; Alternatively, you could use SimpleDateFormat: import java.

How do I convert month number to month name?

How to convert month number to month name in Excel

  1. To return an abbreviated month name (Jan – Dec). =TEXT(A2*28, “mmm”) =TEXT(DATE(2015, A2, 1), “mmm”)
  2. To return a full month name (January – December). =TEXT(A2*28, “mmmm”) =TEXT(DATE(2015, A2, 1), “mmmm”) In all of the above formulas, A2 is a cell with a month number.

How do you convert an int to a string in Java?

Java int to String Example using Integer. toString()

  1. public class IntToStringExample2{
  2. public static void main(String args[]){
  3. int i=200;
  4. String s=Integer.toString(i);
  5. System.out.println(i+100);//300 because + is binary plus operator.
  6. System.out.println(s+100);//200100 because + is string concatenation operator.
  7. }}

How do I get a month from LocalDate?

The month name for a particular LocalDate can be obtained using the getMonth() method in the LocalDate class in Java. This method requires no parameters and it returns the month name in the year.

What is SimpleDateFormat?

SimpleDateFormat is a concrete class for formatting and parsing dates in a locale-sensitive manner. It allows for formatting (date -> text), parsing (text -> date), and normalization. SimpleDateFormat allows you to start by choosing any user-defined patterns for date-time formatting.

How do you check if a year is a leap year in Java?


  1. Take integer variable year.
  2. Assign a value to the variable.
  3. Check if the year is divisible by 4 but not 100, DISPLAY “leap year”
  4. Check if the year is divisible by 400, DISPLAY “leap year”
  5. Otherwise, DISPLAY “not leap year”

How do I convert a month number to a month name in Google Sheets?


  1. =TEXT(A2*29,”mmmm”) “mmmm” = month format will return full month name.
  2. =TEXT(A2*29,”mmm”)
  3. Please click here to see, How to convert a month name to a number?
  4. Detailed month format explained here.

Where Do month names come from?

The modern Gregorian calendar has roots in the Roman calendar, specifically the calendar decreed by Julius Caesar. So, the names of the months in English all have Latin roots. Note: The earliest Latin calendar was a 10-month one, beginning with March; thus, September was the seventh month, October, the eighth, etc.

How can I get the month in Java?

You could use the Month enum. This enum is defined as part of the new java.time framework built into Java 8 and later. Localize to a language beyond English by calling getDisplayName on the same Enum. Take an array containing months name. You could have an array of strigs and access by index.

How do you get the month of the month in Python?

The Month enum defines a dozen objects, one for each month. The months are numbered 1-12 for January-December. Month month = Month.of ( 2 ); // 2 → February. Ask the object to generate a String of the name of the month, automatically localized.

How to get the current month name from the system?

To get the current month name from the system we can use java.util.Calendar class. The Calendar.get (Calendar.MONTH) returns the month value as an integer starting from 0 as the first month and 11 as the last month. This mean January equals to 0, February equals to 1 and December equals to 11.

How do I create a month enum in Python?

The Month enum defines a dozen objects, one for each month. The months are numbered 1-12 for January-December. Month month = Month.of ( 2 ); // 2 → February. Ask the object to generate a String of the name of the month, automatically localized. Adjust the TextStyle to specify how long or abbreviated you want the name.


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