How to get Datacron on Balmorra?

How to get Datacron on Balmorra?

You’ll find this datacron in a small path that cuts up into the mountain. To get to it you will have to kill a level 34 Champion Sith Lord. You can just run past, or if your level is too low let him kill you and resurrect behind him.

How do you get a Datacron on Taris?

Run to the North to get on the Pipe Once up the pipe, go to the left platform and walk over the giant fallen girder. At the end of the girder, head to the right. Keep follow the ledges as they go around the building to the right, carefully jumping over any gaps, and soon you’ll be able to see the datacron.

How do you get a Datacron on Voss?

From Voss Ka you should travel to The Old Paths (Empire – Fort Kodentha, Republic – Ken-la) outpost. Go to X:-670, Y:356 left to the two cave entrances is a path up hill you want to take. Follow the path, jump at some rocks, go through the cave and you will see the datacron.

Where is the Datacron on the fleet?

This Datacron is located in the Museum area of the Ziost Shadow on the Imperial Fleet. This is a semi difficult jumping puzzle and you will need a group of at least 4 people. You can do this on either side, but once you have completed it, you can’t access the area yourself anymore. You can accompany others though.

What do matrix shards do swtor?

A single matrix shard serves no purpose, but in sets of three they can prove extremely valuable to the player in the form of a Matrix Cube via an Assembler. They are used to make Relics that enhance your Character Attributes by equipping them in the Relic Slot of your Character.

Where are the Datacrons on Dromund Kaas?

It is located in the hangar opposite to the one you arrived to when you first reach Dromund Kaas. You have to go up a ramp that hangs over the hangar and there are these steel beams you can jump on that will lead you to the datacron.

Where are the Datacrons on Ord Mantell?

Ord Mantell has two datacrons and one matrix shard which can only be obtained by Republic players. The blue datacron is hidden on Savrip Island, the yellow datacron is hidden on the beaches near Volcano Camp, and the matrix shard is hidden in a hole on the beaches of Mannet Point.

How do I get to the Imperial Fleet?

Once you get your starship in SWTOR to go from a planet to the Fleet (or another planet) you have to:

  1. go to the spaceport,
  2. up to the planet’s orbital platform,
  3. run to your hanger,
  4. to your ship and get in,
  5. hyperspace to the Fleet,
  6. back out of your ship,
  7. and cross the hanger to the elevator to the main level.

Are matrix shards legacy?

The reason they didn’t transfer is that the matrix shard datacrons are NOT legacy unlocks in the tab. Where did you see that they were unlocked? The only ones in the legacy tab are Mastery, Endurance, and Presence. Basically the only ones there are the ones that give you stats.

What is a Matrix Cube?

Matrix Cubes (also known as Relics) are equippable items that you can assemble from different combinations of Matrix Shards. Each faction has a dedicated place in which to build these Matrix Cubes.

How many Datacrons does Dromund Kaas have?

There are a total of 5 datacrons to collect on Dromund Kaas which are 2x Mastery +2, Endurance +2, Presence +2 and a Yellow Matrix Shard.

Where is the Matrix Shard on Dromund Kaas?

Matrix Shard Assemblers can be found in the Dark Temple Grounds on Dromund Kaas for Imperial players and in the Jedi Temple Ruins on Coruscant for Republic players.


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