How to pronounce Tagxedo?

How to pronounce Tagxedo?

A: Tagxedo is pronounced as [tag-SEE-doh], similar to Tuxedo, you know, the stylish formal attire? Hence, the tagline “Tag Cloud with Styles”.

What is EdWordle?

EdWordle is a tool for editing “word clouds” based on the Wordle. The initial word cloud can be generated from the input text or read from an existing one. You can re-font, re-colore, resize, move, rotate, add and delete words to create custom visualizations.

Does wordle exist? was a popular wordle maker that required you to install a desktop version. As of December 2020, it appears that Wordle.Net no longer exists. However, there are plenty of other online word cloud tools that you can use to create your wordle.

What can you do with tagxedo?

With Tagxedo, you can: make word clouds in real-time customize font, theme, color, orientation, and shape fine-tune with lots of options save as images for printing and sharing view your word clouds as thumbnails, and pick the one you want for further tweaking or saving choose from many standard fonts.

How do I add my own words to the tagxedo creator?

Select “Load” on the left-sided toolbar of the Tagxedo Creator. This brings up a box where you will type in your own words into the area labeled “Enter Text”. Click “Submit” once the text you want is entered.

How many variants of tagxedo are there?

Tagxedo is versatile, flexible, and fun! Each way is unique, and illustrated with an example The number of variants certainly far exceed 101 Caution: Google Docs may not look right on IE6/IE7 Hope this inspire you to make your own Tagxedo! Hardy Leung ([email protected])

Does tagxedo work with Silverlight?

Firefox, Safari, and even Internet Explorer each has its own peculiarity with respect to Silverlight, some in the form of version-specific bug. Finally, Tagxedo only works on Desktop or Laptop computers…


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