How to read text from image in PHP?

How to read text from image in PHP?

In this article, we study how to read text from an image in PHP. Tesseract OCR is an open source OCR engine which allows us to detect text in image. The user can install the Tesseract OCR engine on OS like Windows, macOS, Linux. You will get the installation instruction on their documentation.

What is OCR in PHP?

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is the process of converting printed text into a digital representation. Tesseract is an open source program for performing OCR. You can run it on *Nix systems, Mac OSX and Windows, but using a library we can utilize it in PHP applications.

Can we read text from image?

Google Image Text Reader is a feature built into Google Drive. You can use it to convert image files to text easily. Right-click on your file, and then click “Open With” > “Google Docs”.

How do I use Tesseract to read text from an image?


  1. Reading a sample Image. import cv2. Read the image using cv2. imread() method and store it in a variable “img”.
  2. Converting Image to String. import pytesseract. Set the tesseract path in the code pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd=r’C:Program FilesTesseract-OCRtesseract.exe’

Can Google read text in images?

Google Lens, which allows text to be identified on images, has now been made available on desktop version of Photos as well. Google uses a feature known as optical character recognition(OCR) to identify text on an image.

How does Tesseract Lstm work?

Tesseract is an open source text recognition (OCR) Engine, available under the Apache 2.0 license. It can be used directly or by using an API to extract text from images. Text of arbitrary length is a sequence of characters, and such problems are solved by using RNNs and LSTM is a popular form of RNN.

Can Screen readers read JPG?

When a photo or icon lacks a meaningful alternate text – known as “alt text” – the screen reader may read out “image623. jpg” (or another equally unhelpful file name).

Can OCR detect handwriting?

Handwriting detection with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) The Vision API can detect and extract text from images: One specific use of DOCUMENT_TEXT_DETECTION is to detect handwriting in an image.

How do I create a text image in PHP?

As in the snippet in the introduction, creating a text image in PHP is kind of long-winded: imagecreate () creates an empty canvas. Yes, take note, an empty transparent image. Specify the colors to use in the image. Use imagefilledrectangle () to fill a solid rectangle. Then, use imagestring () to write the text onto the image.

How to overlay text on an image in PHP?

If you want to overlay a text on an image rather than a colored canvas you can simply use the image create PHP functions with a path to an image you want to overlay on in place of imagecreate () function. There are other tons of useful methods available on the official PHP website. Make sure to check them out.

What are the functions of imagecreatefromjpeg?

There are 5 main functions that you should know here: imagecreatefromjpeg (FILE) will load your specified jpg file as a new image object. imagecolorallocate (IMAGE, RED, GREEN, BLUE) Allocates a color to be used for drawing on the image.

How do you write text on an image in Photoshop?

Write text to the image using the built-in font. Write vertical text to the image using the built-in font. Write text to the image (with more controls). Get the size of the text box. Save the given image – If FILE is not present, will directly output the data. Save the given image.


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