How was hyperinflation ended?

How was hyperinflation ended?

Hyperinflation is ended by drastic remedies, such as imposing the shock therapy of slashing government expenditures or altering the currency basis. One form this may take is dollarization, the use of a foreign currency (not necessarily the U.S. dollar) as a national unit of currency.

How long did Germany’s hyperinflation last?

Germany, as is well known now, had a hyperinflation from 1919 to 1923. At the end, the mark was worth one trillionth of its original value.

How did the great inflation of 1923 affect Germany?

It certainly upset many Germans. It led to the invasion of the Ruhr by the French and Belgium’s in 1923 which led to passive resistance and ultimately hyperinflation and the losses suffered by savers and pensioners for example who lost virtually everything and made the Weimar Government more unpopular.

Who wins in hyperinflation?

There are two winners in hyperinflation. The first beneficiaries are those who took out loans and find that the collapsing value of the currency makes their debt worthless by comparison until it is virtually wiped out.

How did the Rentenmark stop hyperinflation?

The Rentenmark, introduced in November 1923, was supported by businesses and the German people because the new currency was tied to the value of gold which meant that it would hold its value. When the Reichsbank renamed the Rentenmark to the Reichsmark, the issuing of a new currency marked the end of hyperinflation.

Who will suffer most from inflation?

Inflation means the value of money will fall and purchase relatively fewer goods than previously. In summary: Inflation will hurt those who keep cash savings and workers with fixed wages. Inflation will benefit those with large debts who, with rising prices, find it easier to pay back their debts.

Did stresemann introduce Rentenmark?

The Rentenmark was a new currency issued by the Rentenbank (created by Stresemann). The Rentenmark, introduced in November 1923, was supported by businesses and the German people because the new currency was tied to the value of gold which meant that it would hold its value.


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