How we can display the element of singly linked list in reverse order?

How we can display the element of singly linked list in reverse order?

Write a C program to create a singly linked list of n nodes and reverse the order of nodes of the given linked list.

How do you reverse a traverse in a linked list?

Iterative Method

  1. Initialize three pointers prev as NULL, curr as head and next as NULL.
  2. Iterate through the linked list. In loop, do following. // Before changing next of current, // store next node. next = curr->next. // Now change next of current. // This is where actual reversing happens. curr->next = prev.

How do you print a reverse doubly linked list?


  1. Take a pointer to point to head of the doubly linked list.
  2. Now, start traversing through the linked list till the end.
  3. After reaching last node, start traversing in backward direction and simultaneously print the node->data.

How do you reverse a singly linked list without using an extra node?

Reverse a linked list in Linear Time without using extra space

  1. Create a new & temp list pointer and mark it NULL & old pointer will point to the head of the original list.
  2. Let temp point the first node of the old list & move the old pointer to the next node.

Can we traverse back in singly linked list?

On a single-linked list, you can just reverse the links, then reverse-iterate while reversing the links again. The beauty of it is it stays O(n) in computing, and O(1) in memory.

How do you traverse a singly linked list from the last node to the first node?


  1. STEP 1: SET PTR = HEAD.
  2. STEP 2: IF PTR = NULL.
  5. STEP 6: PTR = PTR → NEXT.
  6. STEP 7: EXIT.

How to print linked list in reverse order in C program?

Print linked list in reverse order – C Program. C program to print linked list nodes in reverse order. printf (” 1. Insert node”); printf (“n 2. Display the list of node”); printf (“n 3. Reverse the nodes”);

How do you reverse a singly linked list in Python?

Steps to reverse a Singly Linked List Create two more pointers other than head namely prevNode and curNode that will hold the reference of previous node and current node respectively. Now, disconnect the previous node i.e. the first node from others. Move head node to its next node i.e. head = head->next.

How to print the elements of a singly linked list in Python?

Print the elements of a singly linked list in reverse order Step 1: Define the Base Case. If the linked list is empty, i.e the Head pointing to NULL, return. if(go==NULL) { // If… Step 2: Recursively go to the next node of the linked list. print_reverse(go->next); // Move one node forward

How to read a linked list in reverse direction using recursion?

Write a C program to read a linked list in reverse direction using recursion. To print a singly linked list in reverse order, we will use a recursive function. We will store the head node of linked list in function stack and then recursively call reverseLLPrint function for sub linked list starting from head->next.


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